I'm probably wrong...

I'm probably wrong, but I like to believe that once this coronashit thing is over the world will unite like one big family and all of us, regardless of race, religion, gender or ideology will be able to play videogames and sports together, without petty conflicts or jealousy of any sort

That would be wonderful, don't you agree?

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Let's take this discussion to pol

We are going to war with China

wake up...
you're on a road to crippling depression

did I say something funny, nigga?

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its only getting worse my optimistic friend

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>That would be wonderful, don't you agree?
no that sounds absolutely horrendous

>that sounds absolutely horrendous
what could possibly be wrong with being getting along and sharing nice moments as friends, swedanon?

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i hate globalism, but it would never work anyway

Yes we will also have massive gay sex orgies in the street

Globalism is what you do with it. I don't like the idea of people from certain parts of the world coming to Mexico for whatever reason because they stink, but on the other hand, I do love Burger King, McDonalds and a lot of things that originated in other countries, mostly in US

i don't like foreigners in my country, and i'm sure other countries don't want me in theirs either

How are you so positive at your age? Is this anime?

nooo sash

Lmao no, death to all burgerfags

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death to mutts.

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>i don't like foreigners in my country
what about the ones that speak english or swedish fluently and actually contribute to society, even more than some swedes?

>and i'm sure other countries don't want me in theirs either
that depends, are you pale, tall, blonde and cute like most scandinavians I've seen? do you act friendly with short brown mexicans like me, either within you country or elsewhere?

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>what about the ones that speak english or swedish fluently and actually contribute to society, even more than some swedes?
if they aren't at least part swedish part european, they don't belong here
>do you act friendly with short brown mexicans like me, either within you country or elsewhere?
i've never met a mexican in my life, but i don't see why i would be hostile

I hope we all kill eachother. Fuck this gay world

Based positive mexibro, wish I could be like that, I’m too blackpilled.

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>if they aren't at least part swedish part european, they don't belong here
>don't belong here
>don't belong
don't deny yourself to enjoy the love or friendship of others just because they're different to you. give love a chance even if it didn't give you the results you expected in the past


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I love Touhou Project!

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i am not some incredibly powerful politician and these are just my opinions
i don't mind speaking with non-swedes/non-europeans

The only thing preventing me from being openly hostile against chinese is the law and social implications.

>i am not some incredibly powerful politician
well, just in case you do become one one day, make sure you keep your heart all the way to the white house, okay?

>i don't mind speaking with non-swedes/non-europeans
how about having your cute nordic feet massaged by one?

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No fuck off I don't want to go throw another lockdown because normie cunts will just *die* if they can't visit Europe or become ESL teachers in southeast Asia, fuck off

>well, just in case you do become one one day, make sure you keep your heart all the way to the white house, okay?
i will never become a politician
>how about having your cute nordic feet massaged by one?
no, i strongly dislike faggots

Fuck off, lockdown is pure kino aside from the gyms being closed. My uni is basically handing out free passes because it can't prevent me having 20 pdfs of textbooks and notes open during the exams.

>i strongly dislike faggots
i'm a girl, you idiot. but anyway, whatever

>i'm a girl, you idiot.
sure you are