every asians are
Black hair
Black eyes
Yellow skins
asians are so fucking boring and disgusting
please kill us
asia is shame of earth
Every asians are
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Russians are white tho
you had one job with corona
and you failed
Kill yourself soulless Mongolied insect
holy based
I like mongolians
i wish asians can be blonde or red hair
It’s because we’re humans
you think that is the reason why you ought to be exterminated? no, the reason is your superficiality and bug mentality.
Is this what Asians are making a big deal about? Cringe.
wow, she looks beautiful and weird at the same time. i wonder what country is she from
People with thin eyebrows are subhuman.
Don't compare your insect ass to Central Asian Ubermenschen
You are, and have always been, a shitskin sandnigger incompetent arab
Utterly irrelevant shithole raped for 5000 years
Asians don’t even realise the repercussions that are coming their way...
There’s Asians pre Corona
and Asians post Corona
Europeans don’t even realise the repercussions that are coming their way...
There’s Europeans pre Nazis
and Europeans post Nazis
Thats how retarded you sound. Imagine thinking all asians = chinks. Embarrassing Nigel...
ignore him he's a paki
>ignore him he's a paki
Typical whitie, always deflecting.
Big words for a gook who escaped his shithole into Canada
Pathetic plastic man who's mother was raped and civilized by Japan.
Go now down to you Japanese and Chinese masters you fake Korean piece kifak shit
I like black hair brown eyes I think it is beautiful
b-but my white incel frens here told me that genghis khan was a blue-eyed blonde guy and that the first emperor of china was a red-haired hunk
That's just wewuzzers.
Sometimes asians get red hair. It's weird but even blacks sometimes get it. Ginger seeds are fucking strong
Sure. But who cares.
But I'm a Brown eyes Fair Skin Vedic Aryan.
>please kill us
i second this