
bloody hell ava thats not normal

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bad thread, stay in the other one

white people? yuck.

excellent edition

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want to marinate this in here a bit further

Apparently the most common kind of Tinder hookup experience for most people who actually use the app to meet up and shag involves the girl wanting to get a takeaway meal, go to the lads house, eat, cuddle up watching Netflix (often the same generic shows, the office etc) then shag. Like it is almost formulaic, the girl expects to get a takeaway meal and for the experience to be like this every time. This is the normal sex life of most young people in the west right now.

Is this the mohammed general?

Imagine having a gf this leggy.

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clogwog on the ropes

why are americans so obsessed with this country you'd never see an aussie or something get on a UK vpn and spam inane posts like all the yank creeps do or come here and post the same shit trying to get a rise out of people for hours and hours

It’s really well known here in the US that British girls go wild for us I don’t know why you shutins are lying about this

too much

We've got a few Desi posters. Some of our best posters.


my experience with tinder sex is literally just netflix and shagging, no food involved

aren't like 20% of western men aged 25 virgins?


she wants an overweight 21 year old man in 3/4 length camo pants and a monster energy hat with a texas accent

Have never used a shaggin' app. seems grim to me but i'm curious

black people


Dont mind me asking lad, how much do you get paid? I make 35k/year and I still live with my parents ha. Saving up quite a lot doing this and I;m 25

Daily reminder

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what are your thoughts?

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>playing the sims
>my sim is white
>have a child with a 1/4 black sim
>genuinely just looks tanned
>child is black as coal

Closer to 1/3 than 1/5.

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cool post
got any more like it?

is 35k bongs a lot of money

I demand sex.

just flew in from Yas Forums dumbass?

not long ago it was considered humilating and pathetic to need to use the internet to meet other human beings and now its the default

mad how oasis made BOTH of the 2 greatest albums of all time

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>more than a quarter of us will die virgins

Why aren't men having sex. What's going on in the world today. They're too busy with their video james and tech gizmos. 30 years ago I was 18 I was out and about getting all the ladies

it's enough to get a good house and car but i live in post industrial northern shitsty and don't earn anything like this or know anyone who does. 22k is doing well round my end

hate phoneposters

Won't find me complaining.
I have a thing for tall girls, not sure if they have a thing for me.
There's this one time where this retard of a 'friend' of mine was contemplating who to give the valentine lollipop since he was too much of a pussy to give it to the girl he intended to give.
For memes I proposed to give it to the obviously gay guys but I also tried to get it to this tall Dutch girl who I think caught ear of it and ever since she kind of glances toward me when walking by.

Should I try and slip her the old salami?

above average for a person his age, pretty good wage if outside london commuter belt, otherwise just good

>is 35k bongs a lot of money
Not really lad. But I'm a talentless hack with no redeeming qualities. So for me, it is a lot of money.

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hate virgins

haha yeah totally like that for me too

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>What's going on in the world today.
coronavirus lol

>at work
>there are 4 of us in
>can see that literally none of us have answered a single email in over an hour

Fucking hell, I'm being lazy because everyone else barely does anything, I want to know what their excuse is?

read this:

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mental, makes me realise how lucky I am

>Why aren't men having sex

are you the HR user

this has to be photoshopped
simply defies the laws of physics

don't do it

who the fuck is this you people keep posting?
why does it look like she's 12?

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I tried OkCupid.
No luck, the only girls that showed interest are either Indonesian or too far eitherways for me to date.

I am liking as many as I can, pretty sure i've got like a hundred of girls 'liked', indiscriminately since I don't want to waste more time than i'm willing to concede to the whores but nevertheless i'm getting no response, no pulse at all.

Save your strength and take down a bird outside.
When schools reopen i'm going to chase this tall cunt like an Indian wearing a chastity belt.

it's a fucking fortune for most /brit/s. you lucky git

Heard about how grim it is in China? It's statistically impossible for tens of millions of Chinese men to ever find a woman, because there is a shortage of women in China. If every woman in China got married, tens of millions of men would be left to die alone

want to join the air force but mumberg wants me to be a teacher.

Who are you? Why do you have a trip? Why do you think anyone here is interested in hearing what you have to say?

kinda want skiis desu

DO NOT become a teacher lad

haven't gotten a single wank-worthy slag off /brit/ in days

leftypol cant handle the banter

>I want to know what their excuse is?
why are you asking us? ask them instead

Unattractive girl.
Most tall girls i'm attracted to have a slightly boyish face.
I wonder if i'm just gay after all.

If that looks 12, can you show us what an 18 year old looks like?

No, I'm a marketing manager. I'm the only person who has to work as well at the moment. My CEO took me off furlough and made me go into the office. It's eerily quiet in there. But I put me drum & bass tunes on and it's sound

Nice one lad. Got lucky really with it too cause I flunked university in my 2nd year and dropped out due to anxiety lol.

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really? dad wants force me into the air force and will kick me out if i dont but i want to become a teacher

>implying less slants is somehow bad
lmao, bet you're the kind of person ho cares about the declining birth rate in Korea and Japan

Don't respond to the sex offenders

are you the bogan from bumfuckland

Mad how the perfect and imperative of this verb are the same. It makes this post utterly incomprehensible.

Imagine the number of Chinese twinks desperate for some action

gf works in marketing, I get the impression the business is teeming with absolute pricks and useless morons

legitimate unapologetic sex offender mate don't give them the time of day

I'll respond to whoever the fuck I want to. You're British, I'm American. Don't tell me what to do.

based dad trying to stop his son from noncing little girls

I care about all men ngl I'm fairly compassionate to the brotherhood of men the world over, makes me sad to think there'll be lonely guys everywhere.

no i'm the furniture warehouse guy

I'm recommending the book

Okay thanks for letting me know I won't respond to them again
Just curious though what did he do?

>You're British, I'm American. Don't tell me what to do.

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>I get the impression the business is teeming with absolute pricks and useless morons
Marketing? It's bloody easy like. Just manage a businesses Facebook/Instagram and that's an easy 25k/year. Gets harder when you need to spend company money to advertise and make a return on investment

dont want to do some faggy air force job because you have to go through officer school to become a pilot (only job id accept) i do want to look into buying a kitfox because those look amazing to just float around in

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no worries mate
stalked a polish woman who took him to court, then he became transgender and took on her name (Moni), also wrote a disturbing blog about children will just leave it there

is a marketing manager essentially just a made up job? How much of the day do you actually spend doing things.

>he fell for the new-age "brotherhood of men" bullshit
lmao, every man who isn't one of your countrymen is at the best an unreliable temporary ally

This enrages and confuses the Englishman

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Was listening to an Irish radio station all day because it played good music but a massive chunk of the news they talked about was about the UK. There was a segment about the Hillsborough disaster. Why is Irish media obsessed with us

videotaped a girl in the shower/bathroom
got convicted and kicked out of uni
obsessed and stalked her for a long time, hacking all her emails etc
more punishment
became a tranny to excuse his sick behaviour and modelled his tranny persona after the girl he violated

lives as her to this day

im not kidding

that's when you go to us, advertising agencies, and we do it for you and give you the cheeky reports to pass on to your higher ups

are you even al[ha enough to be a pilot? Seems unlikely if you're posting here.

antivirus goin doopin mental about this link

i got all the way through uni and flunked out on life afterwards. Now i'm stuck back home

>per capita
just means Britain has a Paki infestation

like my own countrymen are my friends or allies in any way either

A guy at my college got kicked out and in serious hot water with the police for videotaping men in the toilets and posting the videos online

no it isn't
be quiet

You're forgetting the time he admitted to molesting children at an amusement park

do you blokes want to see a picture of me and myself?

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unpatriotic little shithead

how much is there to say about ireland lmao
>oh no sean tripped into the bog will update as the situation develops


Which eastern european country has the best women? Gonna buy their affection with citizenship

>yellow fever weeb simp

>a muslim country nobody has ever heard of in the middle east is #1
what the fuck

we had a gayend get kicked out for dildoing his arse in the libray and filming it and putting online

>How much of the day do you actually spend doing things.
It's not a made up job lad. Marketing has loads of different channels. Facebook, Instagram, Google, Bing, Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, Pinterest etc etc. I manage the employees who oversee all of those. If they fuck up, I get blamed for their fuck ups.

>advertising agencies, and we do it for you and give you the cheeky reports to pass on to your higher ups
Agencies? We get those asking us if we need SEO/PPC all the time. But we already do it in-house so we don't need them haha

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Hey there you with the sad face
Come up to my place, let's live it up
You beside the dancefloor
What do you cry for?
Let's live it up

what station?

ya we like to compare ourselves to you, and our media follows current events in the uk and the US as if they were related to us, especially the uk
our media are west brits as are most of the population without acknowledging it

not me who chose those circumstances is it, thats just the truth of the matter.

if you think otherwise you're fucked.

the average english person is no more my friend by choice than any other cunt

it's basically a philosophy that gives you a new perspective on how you interact with people and life in general. it's very satisfying, trust me.

well do you?

what are you trying to say

most english people are arseholes who'll stab you in the back over the pettiest shit

Sounds like you've just described programmatic marketing
Full service ad agencies are typically a lot more wholistic but I get where you're coming from.

You don't know about Qatar? How uneducated are you?

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he's still stuck in the bog btw in case you were wondering

Top fucking kek
Someone at my school was caught masturbating in the library but because of bureaucratic shit nothing happened to him