Tfw you will never get humiliated by an underage Irish girl for being an immigrant in her country

>tfw you will never get humiliated by an underage Irish girl for being an immigrant in her country

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She should study history.
Her people themselves have been subjected to hate as immigrants.

holy fuck this is disgusting even for third world standard

ngl shes pretty she will be gorgeous when shes older

came here to say this
first attractive irish girl i've seen
I was actually distracted by it during the video lol

Imagine not even speaking the language of your country.

I want to coom all over her face brehs, and I'm not even a str*ght boi. What's going on here

Hnnnnnnngggg maybe i will if i come to work there

Seriously? She’s not *that* bad.
Crazier than a shithouse rat, yes.
Ugly, no.

This. She’s got good features

do mexicans really talk like that?

It appears as if she herself is some manner of swarthoid.


I wish we had girls like that here

but shes irish so will probably end up being a slag

If she's in Dublin, then she's not really related to the Irish who emigrated to America.

>She should study history.
>Her people themselves have been subjected to hate as immigrants.

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I hate foreigners

based girl
immigrants should be shot on sight

>Her people themselves have been subjected to hate
Ehh because we let (english) immigrants here, Ireland for the Irish.

Shut up niggers

She looks latinx

I am Latino and I am going to fap to this video

gib big chebs underage Irish racist gf please

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God i would rape that little uppity whore in her mouth with my big mexican cock, fuck the racist out of her, leave her walking like a penguin.

yes and?

This thread gets posted on Yas Forums every month. amazed at how many of you new fags haven’t already seen this...

I have seen it before and I fap to it every single time

big Mexican cock is an oxymoron Pedro

And your sexual innuendos are not appreciated when the target of such disgusting statements is girl who still hasn't reached her 18th spring.

>not chub/thicc
>not drunk
>hate migrants
>REEEEE freakout
She's Brit/Anglo.
Irish are chill af. Pretty much the non-whites of whites. Both stateside, in asia, or from Ireland. Anglos on the otherhand are largely pompous cunts and much more prone to racist outbursts regardless of where I've met them.

Are you by any chance an American expat in Argentina?

Irish should be replaced

You would be surprised. My dick is pretty big and girthy.

You didn't exactly get a say in the matter

yeah that's why the lynched those black people in america back in the day, cause they chill af, basically the non-whites of whites

based ireland
brown subhumans must stay in their own countries

Father is from North Carolina, mom is from Argentina.
In any case, it doesn't matter, what matters is that you're walking on thin ice here cowboy.
I don't want to see you again disrespecting a young lass, even if it's on the internet.

I WILL coom to her and there's nothing you can do to stop me

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Irish people are fucking ugly goblins. No wonder Americans look the way they do.

In a few years they'll be sucking immigrants' cocks and will probably give birth to half-brown/half-black kids eventually. In most cases such kids grow up in a family with a loser alcoholic father who molests them and blames immigrants for all the bad things. Poor girls, you should feel sorry for them.

She's cute though

Why do I feel like I’ve just read your own life story?