The best state
The best state
depends on the county/locality
San Jose, San Diego and parts of OC can be really nice. but SF, LA, Oakland are generally insufferable shitholes where you would live crammed next to the hood paying $1500 for a room
SF is a nice and comfy city
close, but no cigar.
>over 105° summer heat
Top 8 in deaths and cases of COVID
*the best nation-state
The state that makes the flyovers seeeeeeeeeeeeth over it's mere existence.
Lol I can’t wait for martial law and see what happens to you faggots
Rename the east coast Corona coast when?
It used to be. How the fuck did it transform into the insufferable shithole that it is today?
LA County has more cases than all but 16 states
Everything that Amerimutts claim to be #1 at to you europeans, yeah it's actually us. They're just larping through us.
We have a greater population than entire countries mutt. Per capita. You mog us. Which is embarassing considering your low populations.
The rest of the country have been pushing their fags and weirdoes into the state since the late 19th century. Now, it's come back to bite everyone in the ass.
Why is per capita such a hard concept for americans to understand?
based retard
*wah wah*
What’s wrong flyover baby?
Seething East Coaster
Mass has 6 million people. They have surpassed us, a state of 39 million in cases. The STATE of you east coasters.
I have visited most states and California is #1
lmao what
People outside America actually believe this
>per capita
That’s a racist term.
If I was a rich fag I would actually live in San Francisco but I'm not so I can only dream.
t. Massachusetts
ITT: seething cletuses
What don't you understand? California is the best
lol I don't understand why you fags on the east coast pretend to be "macho" and hetero. I've lived on the east coast. Metrosexuals, and homos sipping their starbucks everywhere.
its obvious that you have not stayed for long
The fact that I've lived there and it pretty obviously isn't
So LA County doesn’t have more cases than all but 16 states? California isn’t top 6 in cases and top 8 in deaths?
Mexico and Brazil have less cases and they’re third world shitholes. So is cali tho
Took this picture in Yosemite
took this pic in yosemite
>steps on a used needle
>falls in a pile of shit
>gets assaulted by homeless people
>pays gibs to illegals
lol no