You wake up as Bolsonaro, what do you do?

I send the army to the favelas to fight the drugs and crime.

Attached: 200401103545-jair-bolsonaro-exlarge-169.jpg (780x438, 39.2K)

Partisans during the liberation of Bakhchisaray,April 1944.

Attached: 791513-a4121837d1fc0c0e887a29efce4956f1.jpg (1060x688, 231.42K)


>fight the drugs and crime.
Why would you betray your most powerful partners in the country? You never know when you might need them.

liquidate all my assets and move somewhere civilized.

I go to the nearest Sopa de macaco dealer and enjoy a tasty meal

>you wake up as bolsonaro
For how much time? For a day?

I slaughter Paraguayans for shits and giggles lawl

>fight the drugs
>suddenly all politicians are now poor

I fire the minister of """justice"""" and instruct the government to begin an investigation against him for his many judicial decisions mired in conflicts of interest, purge the government of authoritarians and religious loons, enact stiff laws on big evangelic and then I voluntarily step down and let LVLA take care of the rest

Attached: my president.gif (434x250, 812.81K)