Could everybody pass as a local in Brazil?

Could everybody pass as a local in Brazil?

Attached: Rio3-1-980x699.jpg (980x699, 691.95K)

Are there fat people in Brazil?


Pure East Asians, pure Northern Europeans and pure Sub-Saharan Africans would probably stand out.


People like pic related wouldn't

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yes, as long as they dress like the locals.



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Me on the left

I can recognize an african/haitian just looking at his face

This is also true to a lesser extent in Portugal, why the fuck is everyone here so mutted

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I wonder if anyone actually knows who this guy is or is he himself aware that his pic has been circulating here for years now...

You tell me

Attached: sonni.jpg (720x710, 108.52K)

This guy is not a "mutt", he's disabled.

I know like three people who look like this dude

Yeah ik

I was refering to Portugal, people in here can range from blonde paleskins to borderline brown


Abos and pitch black indians (from india) with straight hair wouldn't either

Not a slightest idea besides I've never posted him.

all these can pass as locals in Brazil, the only group of people that come to my mind are indians

Maybe you just can't recognize phenotypes. I can recognize africans, haitians and chinese very easily.

Everytime I see a foreigner on the street/mall/whatever I think "it's an african/chinese", and then they always speak something that isn't portuguese.
Before the quarentine shit I was trying to learn Mandarin just by listening to Chinese talking in queues.

In most parts of the country, sure, but in specific areas these groups could fit right in. I'm from São Paulo and there quite a few kids of pure japanese descent in my school, and chinese immigrations has been getting bigger recentlyml. In some smaller towns in the south, north european phentotype is still unironically common and blacks are kind of the norm in some parts of the north east.
I'd say the only phetotypes that would stand out anywhere in Brazil are aboriginals and pacific islanders.

>and blacks are kind of the norm in some parts of the north east.
Yeah but it's easy to tell africans apart, as they aren't mutts in any way
t. Nordestino

In São Paulo its probably more diverse but here in Pernambuco, everytime I walk across an asian I can't help but think he is a foreigner.

Depends of the region. I live in the north, people here are native as fuck and look like mexicans and peruvians. In the northeast you find true goblinos, the ugliest people on earth, if you're pure white/asian you'll stand out as the majority there are mixed of natives, blacks and portuguese.
In the south and southeast pure whites and asians are not uncommon and you could blend in easily.

Pic related is how the average BR looks like.

Attached: aula de feminismo usp.jpg (1024x683, 118.38K)

faggots can't

There are some african students in my college and they are blacker than even the blackest of our dudes.

East Asians are the really rare type of dudes where I live tho.

Imagine the smell, I wonder how paulistas manage to live there


thats not sao paulo, probably northeast

>In the south and southeast pure whites and asians are not uncommon

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Mate, that photo is from USP

I swear to god this is not a monkey joke, but why do Brazilians so prominent ears?

Cringe schizo