/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends

King of the Hill edition

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this 2DS might just be the best thing I bought in the last 10 years

as long as i dont specify i am going rogue i am still in "the zone" by default

>tfw no redneck buddies to go drink in the ally with
>tfw no ally to go drink in
Might move into a trailer park

Okay but that was a very rogue post

>Might move into a trailer park
I do not recommend this course of action
t. lived in a trailer park

do americans really
dessert is more of a kid thing i suppose if youre an insecure 19 year old but i didnt know it was considered feminine in america
why are american males trying do hard to look manly
like wow dude you dont take dessert???? tough guy here ill pay for his meal thats some serious respect

Tell me about it
Were your neighbours meth addicts

Happy WACO-Siege-end day

it's bait
calm down

No they were old women from Missouri, Wyoming, and Nebraska

Why is Louisiana such a fucking shithole. I hate living here. Fuck my company for moving me here

dont 'calm down' me weakling

So what was the problem
Was your trailer crappy

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There really wasn't one but I know for a fucking FACT BLAST that that isn't the case in the majority of trailer parks

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there is no disadvantage to signing a 6mo lease and trying it out

Why do yankees always move to completely random places for work all the time for no reason?

wish i lived in a trailer park
would do weird shit people who live in trailer park do
like eating squirrels and making swamp soup or whatever

You're (you are) anal virginity and $1,200 USD in legal fees

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they keep getting found out

How can you not like Louisiana? Do you live in the 9th Ward?

People in paris literally eat snails they find off the sidewalk and have orgies in the Louvre what the fuck is weird about eating swamp soup

Yeah fair nuff
My uncle and his family used to live in one and it was pretty bleak, though that was in Calgary so I'm not sure if it was bleak because it was a trailer park or because it was part of the city.

have some fucking respect

yeah my boss down at the work business company wants me to move to Eugene, Oregon and do my pointless cubicle monkey job there instead of here so I'm just going to uproot my life and do that because otherwise I might get paid ten cents less


Both, I assure you Calgary was the frosting to the cake shittiness that is trailer park

Don't watch trailer park boys and think that's what trailer parks are like some retards I know who watch Letterkenny and think rural Canada just like that

>talking about the city of love
>not mentioning all the ROGUE pissing going on

my dad used to go with his grandpa in the fields after the rain to pick up some snails
theyd do that pretty often back then

>>the city of love
do americans really

I actually still haven't seen trailer park boys
I should get on that

that is a name for paris in the US yes

Pissing in the streets to lubricate the sewers and feed the homeless is an integral part of any major city and need not be mentioned as it's a given

Me and my dad used to go hiking in the hills and look at the bears

You should bud it's pretty good
DO NOT let it influence your decisions

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I would never think of moving from the country 2bh
If anything I wanna retreat further into it

You'll become an ent boyo

absolutely ozarkian

Who's been in charge of Paris's marketing for the past two hundred years? They're absolute miracle workers.

Because it’s a shithole full of poor, and obese retards. I’m currently residing in western Louisiana. It’s such a sad excuse of a state

That is my dream

imagine how jaded divorce attorneys must be

drinking alberta premium.
30 dollars. can't imagine how they afford a glass bottle at the price point.

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I should learn how to drive again

although a simpler design, my $6 vodka came in a glass bottle

The jews did it

I thought you weren't supposed to drank anymore

what do you mean past two hundred years

Canadian rye whiskey is GUD shit

that's how long marketers live for
source: trust me dude

>hes a busrider too
cant make this shit up


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paris only gone to shit in like the 60s
it was fine before ever since haussmann
it was terrible before
actually maybe this is just paris's natural state and that period was just not supposed to happen