Yas Forums = Yas Forumserracial

>Yas Forums = Yas Forumserracial
You don't know how dumb I feel for only just realising this...

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lmao you mean after all the BBC posting you just now figured it out? What did you think the Yas Forums stood for? LOL

Her face must be banned from Yas Forums(nel) until she turn 18


She was born to ride BLACK COCK.

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what a cute little girl...

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w-what are you going to do to her??


this is a cunny thread

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wait till shes 14 then legally have sex with her? what were you think you dirty dirty person

Yas Forums = cunn/int/

>"this is a cunny thread"
>spams pepe and wojak edits

oh haha of course..don’t worry I wasn’t thinking anything..

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Ok but now imagine a HUGE BBC in her mouth

She’s ripe


why are russian girls so perfect?

nice thread

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british girls are better


not at all

Slavic race is infinitely superior to Anglo race.

looks too much like an adult
would not sex

Dubs checked.

Knowing this place, that is or was a man.

Russian girls don’t even realize how hot they are. They’re not as arrogant as the 5/10s here

albo girls aren't that bad either

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Keep posting that lovely cunny

>R*ssian girls

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i thought my thread would be deleted in 5 mins

it will be deleted now

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epic moment

Who is this?

explains a lot.

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