Tinder passport swiping in South Korea

>tinder passport swiping in South Korea
>at least half the girls there are living in South America and swiping in South Korea as well
Do latinas have yellow fever for korean men?

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why is her arm so veiny?

1% bodyfat.

She’s toight

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Korean with weird Latino-face/headshape living in LA

I wonder why this is the case

Just matched with another Latina and she has korean guys on her insta

They seriously find this attractive??

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Ok seriously what the fuck I changed to Seoul and everyone is still Latina

Oh shit now it’s not just Latina women but all foreign women

You literally cannot find a korean woman on tinder in Seoul, try it, get on tinder and try it

>falling for the tinjew
I mean as an asexual I have an excuse but c'mon user there has to be an easier way for you to get laid?

Is that the original big boss?

online dating are for thirsty normal people anyways they deserve to be disappointed

I’m not swiping across the world to get laid lol

Zoomer women here are obsessed with kpop groups for some reason, so I guess there's your answer.

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Isn't it just the usual boy band obsession nonsense?

Us Asians in California like to date the more Asiatic/Native looking Latinas though. Plenty look and feel just like Asian females

no, being weeb make them seen like they're unique whereas enjoying a boyband is too mainstream for hambeasts

wouldn't she be extremely unsoft to touch
clearly this isn't peak female performance

I have this curse, I like all types of beautiful women

the one in your image related

I think Asians use a different app

A lot of south American women are very asiatic looking. And their beauty standards are met by Korean men, or at least their reproductory standards. A lot of South American women are thinking subconciously "OMG my daughters are going to look so cute"

While their ideal man might be a cross between some Samurai looking guy from an Akira kurosawa film and Alain Delon with a darker skin tone, their ideal daughter looks pretty korean

even more so with modern k pop craxe

Anons with success on tinder. What sort of pictures do you use? Can you post your profile (w/ face crossed out)?

Post a picture of you in your house, one in your car, another in nature, and another with friends.

Show that you have means and social power, simple as that. And try to go for an almost professional look.

what a bunch of rejects and feminists they are btw, going by my cunt's experience

Sounds like Venezuelan and Colombians trying to scam desperate chinks

no need, simps be logging into chaturbate and onlyfans for that. Tinder would be an inefficient use of their time

My theory is they're spending a lot of time at home and watching KDrama
KDrama does things to women

Latina younger women are obssesed with K-pop/anime. Even my normie sister fell for that shit.

Yeah that's it.
Same thing happened with boomer women and turk dramas.

Like showing off my house or just inside? Like a selfie? I'm not a home owner
2009 accord lol
Would just a random group photo at one of our houses be good?

Moved to a new state so no friends or people that can take photos of me. And I don't have many good ones of myself to begin with

the only asian guy i know dating a non-asian is with a guatemalan kek

if you didnt know women are more attracted to femenine sissy boys due to their genetically engrained lesbo tendencies

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