Do men eat dessert in your country?

Dessert and Appetizers are reserved for females here.

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Nobody is falling for that fatty.

she's probably right

if a girl feels weakness in a man's action then most likely most women will feel the same

>some fat stupid american nigger said a thing on twitter

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It has over 4600 likes and over 6600 responses now.

Let’s be honest, this is one of these things we all already knew but no one had said out loud. No grown man should be able to order dessert without at least a little hesitation, it is homo behavior.

that is 100% a retarded american thing, i have never heard that in my life

I always order an appetizer without consulting the other person, she can eat my bruschetta or fuck off.

>eating dessert is gay
>eating healthy is gay
>drinking water is gay
if you are modifying your behaviour for women then you have already failed their shit test

Nah I've seen it in other places too, like my favourite anime of all time ranma 1/2 Ranma Saotome can't eat icream in his normal form as a male but when he activates his jusenkyo curse to turn into the perfect female version of himself he's able to eat the yummy icecream as much as they wanted it's an international/global thing all over the world you'd notice if you'd leave your bedroom in your mam's house (unless you actually order sweets and desserts in restaurants and don't notice everyone judging or laughing at you)

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Imagine paying for everything and not being allowed to eat whatever you want just to not make your thot gf angry.

No wonder why you guys are all cucks who love blacked porn

I just order dessert instead of meals

That's fucking stupid.

Nothing tasty is forbidden here.

"Oh this is a nice steak restaurant. Where are the chicken tendies?"

>you'd notice if you'd leave your bedroom in your mam's house
>i saw it in my anime

other way around, it's women who shouldn't eat dessert else they become like this fat cow
a real man takes appetizers, then apéritif, then starters, then main dish, then cheese, then dessert, then digestive, then coffee
if you don't, everybody here will think you are a faggot

I wonder if she'd think the same if chad ordered an appetizer and dessert

Plus you have to distribute tons of bread to everyone, even if they say they don't want some. And wipe clean all your plates with bread, including dessert. If you don't do that you're a faggot.


forgot to mention you need several servings of most of those things if you don't want to be rude

>this is for females
LMAO fat bitch, you are supposed to eat a salad while i eat the whole menu

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I unironically licked my plate clean on one date, my date couldn't stop laughing because an old couple at the next table glared at me, so she did the same thing
It's actually the only time I've fucked a girl on a first date, but then I am pretty fat and haven't had many so maybe that's got something to do with it

Night lads

Is this good? I have never actually had raw beef before in general but I kind of want to try it.

story time regarding that date

what happened

If he ordered dessert he would no longer be Chad

Yes, because it is the twitter equivalent of baiting.

>tfw you have so little knowledge about how real people behave that you have to take most of it from anime.

All women are whores.

When did France become so based

shes actually right, I would because I like dessert but its like a man ordering a cranberry and vodka on a date, sure you can do anything you like but she would be put off and view you as less of man, most women think like this.