>two young Canadians appearing to be in a happy monogamous relationship
>mixing ethnicities to ensure a future of attractive interracial children with ethnic ties to Canada and their fellow Canadians instead of LARPING as an outsider
Based and, dare I say it, redpilled.
The future of the Canadian race must be preserved by smiling chink-y eye'd young couples like this one.
I dont see anything wrong with this.
It's perfectly natural for a white woman of european descent to be attracted to a black man of african descent
In fact it is the mode now. Since black men are more masculine. And have huge throbbing appendages which satisfy the desires of white women. And their melanin receptors.
A black man pumps more seed into the cervix which impregnates the white woman and creates better looking caramel offspring which in turn will also impregnate another white woman and create quadroons
Which are the ultimate race and destiny of the world. The quadroon race.
there's a 90% chance they live in toronto
They do.
And it's wrong because?
why is this always the case
She must have a great personality.
Happy 4 them
is that guy blasian?
This is Canada, too.
He has more sex than you
This. The guy's actually really good-looking and probably has a good sense of humour. She should consider herself very lucky to have him.
Because Toronto is 10% black
That nigger has a consulting gig at 23 while I’m 25 NEET. Niggers literally get everything handed to them. Fuck this gay earth and I hope corona destroys everything!!!
That nigga looks very sweet and he could do better than that Stacy
he cute
Literally like 80-90 percent of Interacial couples here are white guys with asian girls or black guys with white girls.
Although there is almost two white guy asian girl for every black man white female couples given that there are almost twice as many asians. There are literally parts of North York where WMAF is even more common then WMWF. It's also now common to see indian/paki girl zoomers with white hockey player chads nowadays.
Also a lot of mioroty mixing as well pajeets and black guys with asian girls and black guys with pajeetas
> t.toronto
>this kills the black man
Typical Canadian response
>I dont see anything wrong with this
>red pilled
>good couple
It really IS reddit: The country.
Greek is the worst though
Mostly the opposite because the children almost always develop an afrocentric identity. The only ones bitching about it are BLM freaks raised by mentally ill black supremacist moms.
do you have a degree in racemixing or are you just really autistic?
don't tell me, he's an euromutt isn't he?
The thing is Asians make up 8-9 percent of our population whereas blacks are barley 4 percent. For every black guy with a white girl in Toronto there is about 4-5 white guys with Asian girls and since white don't really mix with pajeets why would we care when we are the biggest race mixers
This but unironically
New mutt culture would be better than muh ancestors larping or current canadian "culture"
>Noooo you can't just not be obsessed with race
I see nigs everywhere. I’d say they’re about 20%. All crime in Toronto is committed by nigs.
New mutt culture is disgusting. Canada has no culture or future.
>blacks make something of themselves
>must have been handed to them
jesus calm down with the envy
We legitimately don't care about what other people are doing with their lives.
That's called being content with your own life and minding your own business because you're not miserable
Race mixing is a patriotic act here. Only way to prevent an eventual Balkanization and formation of ethnic fifth columns is for Canadian citizens to make a point of breeding immigrants and mixing genes.
Only cucks, incels, and American have a complex about this. Eventually every Canadian female is going to look like pic related and it will be glorious.
It's called having high self-esteem.
>tfw no future Canadian gf
why even live?