What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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It was run by Spaniards


Not enough British tourists


Moorish admixture

Feminazism and regionalism

Non whites can't run a country

I refuse to believe that it is as common as a thing over there as some people say it is.

They let Jews in

>I refuse to believe that it is as common as a thing over there as some people say it is.

Mongolian admixture.

They didn't finish the reconquista as Portugal still exists

There are two types Europeans. Those who conquer non white people and exploit them and those who produce something with value. First can't be done anymore in our time.

They learned how to sleep for 16+ hours a day

Every western (and most) non-western countries have feminist groups and all that. What makes Spain so much worse?

They somehow manage to blow a shitload of gold from the new world.

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Can I still conquer white people and exploit them? They'll do I'm not racist.

Spaniards are ugly brown nigger gypsies, one of the worst peoples on earth

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Literally everything

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Yes this one can still be done.

Rent free.

>What makes Spain so much worse?

Late industrialization. Retarded leaders (and people).

Christianity, then jews who brought faciliated muslim invasion in 711 and gave them all the weapons and maps as well as money and supplies, then nothing went wrong until napoleon afterword of napoleon losing the colonies and not adopting faster the industrial revolution and modernizing the way that britain, france and such did.

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Our moorish blood forged the empire. Expelling the muslims was when everything went to shit.


Excessive taxation, unions have way too much power. basically a very hostile business environment

so retarded reactionaries and the church has always been a bane on Spain as well as the monarchy.


My sides


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the subhuman arab and moorish blood too plays a role, mainly Christianity giving identity to blood aliens by sharing worship of a cross and a dead jew.

What is wrong with you people, really.

if they didn't you'd have way lower unemployment rates. They've managed to lobby their way into getting minimum wage laws enacted, effectively putting up an entry barriers to the job market

tiene razon desu
ojala una republica tecnocratica centralista e unipartidista

I’m surprised about the amount of obsession with Spain considering how irrelevant we are.

Nigga, shut up, because of my job I have a lot of contact with one of the big unions. They are irrelevant and team with the government. Nobody in Spain trust unions and they are as hated as politicians for selling the worker asses.

The solution to Spain as it stands now accepting the powers of the Jews and USA's military and economic powers the only recourse is for self segregation and consolidation of the power and unity of the community of the Aryan people and simply creating non judiciary laws from a state within a state of the Aryan community that bans interactions with the Semites and then with this unity of people the non Aryans will be disorganized and united among various creeds that don't matter to us, we will be united solely in what benefits our people and increasing our population and power within the land, as well as eradicating the foreign imposed slave morality of Christianity with our ancestral religions tied to our blood and ancestors.

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it's not that, then the enterpreneurs would just hire without a contract
the unemployement subsidies are just too high and the family supports the lad even if he doesn't work