>be Canadian
>get ____
Be Canadian
banned for this post
Fucked by jews bull
>13 dead
Not looking good
please stop appropriating our culture
>shot in your mosque by a Quebecois
>13 dead
Those are rookie numbers user
Well why don’t you make guns illegal then
At least it wasn't a Quebecois incel this time.
Filled by a MVTT
Did you know Canada has S H O O T I N G S ?
What's up with the maritimes and cop killers?
replaced by brown people
What happened?
I'm not Canadian so I don't really care about the news but I keep hearing people discussing some happening
state mandated anz gf
i vote with this user
also i want funding and more research into genetically engineering domesticated catgirls in my secret dung--i mean lab.
Nova Scotia
Call me when it's 50+
>maple snake
What was the motive anyway
Our news isn’t talking about it at all hahahahaha
There's only like 100 people in Portapique, he'd have to work pretty hard to kill half the town's population
so what was the motive? he seems like a right wing nut
Young white guy - incel
Old white guy - nazi
That's the default unless proven otherwise
Still nothing on the news about it
Maybe he was mad about the lockdown