Socialist politicians using coronavirus to gain power all across Latin America

>socialist politicians using coronavirus to gain power all across Latin America
>Brazilians are the only ones protesting against them asking the army and their president to expel the socialists

Brazilians are the only latinos who have balls. I admit. The rest are just a bunch of cucks.

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I really hope Bolsonaro become a dictator

>t. rich elite kid who doesn't even know how to make the bed

3rd world right wingers just make me cringe.

I love how you commie shits think you speak for poor people, meanwhile poor people don't give a shit to your agenda without free gibs

Whatever helps you sleep at night. We're coming for you eventually, and daddy Bolsonaro won't save you.

Only if Trump does the same since Bolsoandso's presidency is all about imitating Trump as much as possible

>Trump bend over to the panic virus
>ChadBolso sticks to his views that the quarantine will only fuck us in the long run and that is not worth it

Nah he has original (more idiotic) independent thoughts occasionally

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They make me proud, especially when they're in Latin America. I'm so glad we teamed up with fascists fleeing Europe to South America after WW2. We even got all their scientists together to work on NASA for us

Fucking based

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>We're coming for you eventually
It's 2020 not 1920 you stupid commie. What are you gonna do? Throw glitter bombs at me?

>let me tell you something about your country

>Trump bend over to the panic virus
>Continues the "just a flu" meme and wants to repeal the lockdown already

Lula is my president

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Being gay is not okay

Eddie is dangerously based

do you Canadians just have a fetish for weak-will leaders?


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South America needs Socialism though. Living standards in Venezuela improved dramatically under Socialist government. Right now thanks to President Maduro and his wise policies Venezuelans are enjoying the best quality of life in whole South America.

this, i am thinking to emigrate there illegally like all latin americans are doing


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>tfw you don't live in the socialist paradise of venezuela

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it was working great until oil prices collapsed.
they were in the shit before Chavez. don't fall for "the rich south american country" meme, our countries were rich, but only a handful of families, in many cases with strong European root, had all the wealth.

Agreed, Venezuela was based until USA fucked up everything, right

zhang, we meet again


my son :)

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