Just get infected, herd immunity bro

Just get infected, herd immunity bro.

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Literally nothing, don't mind it.
But look at her eyes Godman, so fucking creepy

Boris shocked, Chinese rocks.

This is why we have a lockdown in the first place, to find out how the virus actually works. This is also why I don't understand all those morons with strong opinions regarding opening up the economy etc despite nobody having a clue how the virus works. In a few weeks to months we might as well have found a way to treat patients better (they already got a new insight regarding how the virus kills people and it boils down to 1 substance in your lungs)

This has been known for a long time. Multiple studies had confirmed that prior infection to a coronavirus causing common cold had only slightly decreased chance of re-infection by the same unmutated strain of the same virus and this effect only lasted about a year. Now, we're seeing evidence that it's the same with SARS-CoV-2 too.

Those are Thpanish eyes they stare straight into your misogynistic soul

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Current hypothesis is that only people who have been severely ill might have developed enough antibodies to resist another infection.
So seems like Boris has actually become a member of the herd

Get infected.
Get infected again.
Get infected a third time.

Die from viral load overdose.

What does this mean?

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I want to see a TLC docudrama series in 2021 about a crazy bitch who's addicted to getting COVID-19 over and over again.

>nobody having a clue how the virus works.
Media narrative allowing wide allegations from editorialism. Cristallograhies, pcr, sequencing, we basically know more about that novel coronavirus than any other virus except hiv/pox/measles/rabbid because around the world, almost every labs are working on it, this never happened in history. We have hundreds of scanning microscopy images of it, we know its spike composition, its capsid composition. What we don't know is niche infections, overreaction from a small part of the population, and that's why who and hugh grade medical experts say "we don't know that virus", because somewhere on facebook a man tested positive started to turn yellow because his hepatic cells were hit, evey infected developped that symptom ? No, of course, but try to explain medicine to people who barely have the gall to read political programs. Sometimes people have allergias from specific products, there are orphan diseases, well this virus spreads really fast hence a wide risky population hit by that germ, showing weird symptoms, neuronal cells pathways, heart cells pathways and so forth. We don't have a lockdown because we don't know how to deal with it, but because most of the idiocraced consuming populace has been brain sucked to the state where toilet paper appears like a highly rated survival item.

Are you a microbiologist?

I mean, they already have 600+ pound monsters. I'll watch TLC series on people getting coronavirus.

He was not severely ill. His illness was a publicity stunt. How gullible are you?

We only know the molecular structure of the virus and how it attaches to our cells. Just last week like I said we found out how it manages to kill people so well, or rather one of the many weapons it uses to do so.

>Cristallograhies, pcr, sequencing
You can take thousands pictures of the virus, sequence its genome a thousands of times, look at how it's arranged atomically. None of these things tell how the virus will act inside the human body.

stop posting here and find a cure already lads
want to go to mcdonalds

Pneumonia (most important and deadly symptom for this disease) resulting from the infection is widely discussed and there is already numerous literature on this matter.
We cannot predict perfectly tuberculosis that doesn't mean we don't know the great picture.

Wrong. Spikes, their nature, their spatial arrangement have an influence, that's the cornerstone of antigens. Phenotypical traits are obviously related to the virulence of the said germ, and this is true for the bacterias like salmonella sp or neisseria sp who have respectively big cilia and glycoproteic shells protecting them from metazoa's immune system.

What is the likliehood of one of these really virulent viruses like Nipah-virus or Disease X ever causing a global pandemic?

Attached: Nipah 78 percent.png (1213x1350, 1.3M)

Don't know. Just can say that hemorragic fevers spreads via fluid contacts, the mechanics of transmission is different from aerosols transmitted infections like coronaviruses and flu (influenza viruses mainly), R0 being way below aerosols transmitted diseases

>78% fatality rate
What the FUCK

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In the end Sweden is right
You can't flatten the curve if reinfection is possible. You can't just shut down the entire planet, we need to learn to live with the virus until a vaccine is created

There is shit out there that makes Covid 19 look like a splinter

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Something that kills on less than two days wouldn't spread that fast

It’s only possible if the tests are more than half the time wrong about you being infected in the first place. Because if you aren’t infected but test was a false positive then there’s no infection in the first place to create an immune response. WHO, UN, EU are just hysterical dunning-kruger retards doing virtue signalling and propaganda for a paycheck.


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I'm looking at the Wikipedia page on Disease X:
>In 2018, a new strain of the H7N9 "bird flu" virus, with a 38 percent mortality rate, was likened to a potential Disease X by some international health authorities (but not the WHO, or the R&D Blueprint group).[27][28] China would not share samples of the new H7N9 strain, however, they eventually brought the outbreak under control and the urgency dissipated.[29]
What the hell is China's problem

If you really care the bird flu, which you must have heard about, is just a few mutations away from being transmittable to humans, is highly contagious and has a 80% death rate.
It has also killed over a thousand people so far, but just never managed to mutate into a human to human transmittable disease.

Even in Australia, their flying foxes have low key caused some nasty minor outbreaks

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How do we stop this? I know Gates has taken action and when you see powerful people start to do things outside of the institutions you should generally take note

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>What the hell is China's problem
1.3 billion potential carriers, half of them which doesn't mind stacking living caged pangolins onto wild bats in the center of an enormous city, or a p4 lab not far from a food market, here it depends on your algorithmic identity

So what you're saying is that half the cases aren't actually infected and that this virus is twice as deadlier as previously thought?

Most western nations have already developed vaccines against bird flu.
Also it is very likely after this mess is over diseases will be the new wars and governments will focus much more on prevention of spread and such. Not just because they care about humanity but also because as it has shown a disease can completely cripple the world economy

I get all that; I mostly said that cause they won't share fucking samples of it. The only reason I can think of them not doing that is if it's been modified on purpose or some shit like that and they're trying to hide it.

I have developed a conspiracy theory that bat eradication programs are being tested out to study environmental impact, is this possible?

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Underrated post.

I fucking hope so. We already managed to kill like 90% of rabbits so I don't see why not kill all the fucking bats, they're the #1 plaguespreaders