Thoughts on his prediction?

Thoughts on his prediction?

Was he in the right trying to liberate shut down states?

Attached: trump_US_coronavirus_deaths_prediction.png (1110x1300, 728.55K)

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>he supports poor healthcare
nothing special

I'm pretty sure burgeria has more elderly, asthamatics and black people than 60k.

I wonder how Trumptards will defend the fact that Trump has killed more people than any war + 9/11

I guess the Democrats were right that Trump is a calamity

trump didn’t eat the bat

They will open too early and have to close back down

Just like thier health care system making things way harder than they have to be

Trump didn't do anything to stop this

It's not like he invented the virus, and if some idiots believed dying was worth it so they could own the libs, not his fault either

if you guys had banned entry from China when we did we all would’ve been fine, but you guys had to go and have a hug a Chinese person day.

drumpf needs to open the economy. this isn't the america i knew and grow up in. this isn't the america that won ww1 and ww2 freeing the entire globe. this isn't the america that stopped slavery across the planet and created democracy. free is what america is about.

OPEN THE ECONOMY TRUMP. the people want to work! they need to work. open it up! let them pull themselves up by the bootstraps. a flu can't stop america

>some idiots believed dying was worth it so they could own the libs, not his fault either
False. If you tell person to jump down from a roof, you share the guilt.

He banned entry from China because he's a retard. The virus was already in Europe and he didn't do anything for a long period.

After this he called the virus hoax and it will disappear by April. Instead of contact tracing he left it spread like a wildfire mostly from Europe.

It's like saving the ship from sinking by sealing just one hole

The US has 37,000 deaths at the moment and are going up 2,500 deaths per day.

>drumpf needs to open the economy. this isn't the america i knew and grow up in. this isn't the america that won ww1 and ww2 freeing the entire globe. this isn't the america that stopped slavery across the planet and created democracy. free is what america is about.

>OPEN THE ECONOMY TRUMP. the people want to work! they need to work. open it up! let them pull themselves up by the bootstraps. a flu can't stop america

Attached: 0A15EA42-2E55-4B05-84C2-9BA012D1FD63.png (1596x1128, 155.15K)

His re-election is top priority!

I hope the vast majority of those are boomers, niggers, and spics.

There are so many layers to this dumb

Yeah we thought you would be smart and ban Chinese and not hug Chinese people but we were wrong
>contact tracing
Hard to do when literally millions of europeans come here every year and Europeans like French related are spreading the virus on purpose

Attached: 8A23BC62-F7D6-497B-84D9-6ED346A55624.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

>just because Milan had a hug a Chinese person day doesn’t mean we’re all stupid! Europe is not one country!
Europe is one country.

I'll defend it and I don't even support the guy

Attached: download.png (840x887, 144.21K)

>tfw born just in time to volunteer for the Great Lockdown War

Attached: 2QhsPgq.png (1080x1055, 840.27K)

The US will hit 60k in less than 2 weeks. What is he even talking about?

Unless you personally manipulate them and constantly talk them into it, I don't really see how you can be at fault. What I want to say is that, I guess for around 99% of Americans Trump is a distant figure, -though important nonetheless- and that wether they like him or not, they have already decided to be for or against him. I don't think we should blame Trump for the lack of self-reflection of their supporters and opposers-

How are blacks getting inflected so much if many of them don’t even work?

Not working doesn't mean you don't go outside and walk around in tight packs.

You know it lmao
This flu is a blessing

All that comes to mind, considering I live in Los Angeles, is that many blacks frequent Chinese and Korean-owned convenience stores and liquor stores. Maybe the owners there were coofing all over the products.

Who is the recovery rate so bad in America? At this rate there will be more than 60k deaths before everyone out of the current cases have will recovered.

Attached: stats.jpg (950x1772, 130.51K)

That and they're all fat as fuck

You can just stop testing the death outside of hospitals and attribute a 100% rise of overal mortality to anything but Corona.
As a matter of fact that's what the US needs to do in order to hit 60k instead of wherever in the hundreds of thousands they're going

Far too low, there's no acquired immunity so in the absence of a vaccine the alternatives are ongoing quarantine or human extinction.

American medical staff is some of the worst in the world. Most nurses in America are braindead Filipino women (one of which I am married to), unintelligible pajeets, and fat black and Latina women.

>guy with a heart condition
>projected to live until 70 instead of 85
>he dies due to the coronavirus at 50
>it gets marked down as a heart failure instead of being attributed to the coronavirus
>despite 2010-2019 Aprils have 5,000 heart failure deaths rather than the 30,000 heart failure deaths in 2020

Yeah. I think most of the deaths will just get swept under the rug even though there'll be a much higher number of deaths compared to previous years.

Seems like they're already doing it then.


>Most nurses in America are braindead Filipino women (one of which I am married to), unintelligible pajeets, and fat black and Latina women.
But why and how did you end up with each other?

Attached: EVqsqy5XYAEM_Gq.jpg (2048x1365, 387.58K) ooooof