>land locked >poor >hated by all of their neighbors >completely mountainous, barely any room for agriculture or industry >no natural resources >completely relies on Russian aid and support >only known for getting brutally stomped by Turks >can rival Indians in ugliness >post-Soviet country
If you feel bad, remember that at least you're not an Armenian.
Turkey >known for Islam >people think of streets full of minarets and burqas >expats are known for crime and doing low tier jobs
Armenia >people have no clue what the country looks like >expats are highly educated or the world's leading beauty ideals
Logan Ross
Are you just gonna finish them off already so we don't have to listen to this bickering anymore?
Joshua James
I love my Armenian brothers and sisters, I would Kill and die for Armenia
David Martin
>the world's leading beauty ideals I was going to agree before seeing this
Jaxson Smith
Khardasians have set the standard for what every thot in the world wants to be like, including having some rapper boyfriend
John Nelson
how do they still manage to btfo azerbaijan
Christian Flores
Always hilarious coming to Balkan/Anatolian shitfling threads to see you'uns posting pictures of each other that look like every single person in the region Now give me my (You) and my shut up fat
Looks like my cousin, except this one's nose is straight instead of aquiline and her skin is not ravaged by drugs lmao
Landon Gomez
No we shouldn't, that'd be too merciful after the chimp outs they done in Eastern Anatolia. I think letting them suffer in their mountain hole would be more be fitting action. Erdogan should impose a total embargo on them too.
Austin Phillips
Armenians are the chilliest foreigners I know.
Xavier Sanders
Shut up fat
John James
why are you so hateful against us ruski? we can destroy Europe together.
Azerbaijan have so many natural resources that makes them the potential UAE if they play their cards right and remove Aliyev. Meanwhile only potential that Armenia has is being another centre of a humanitarian crisis after Russia suspend its food aid program lmao
The gf and I went down there to visit her gran, and the people left there are the dregs of society. Anyone of note has either fled to Russia or elsewhere. They have one doctor in the village, and the only reason he stayed is because his mum made him stay lmao
Also Turks aren't even humans mate
Jason Baker
He's probably an Armengutan. I even saw them slithering out of latinx american flags. They always pretend to be something else until you bash them enough
Justin Jenkins
Vs Armenshithole. It looks like Afghanistan had Afghanistan been under Soviet rule a bit longer.