DJT is a Japanese language learning thread for advanced むっつりスケベ共 that are interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games. Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.
hello poland user. I probably asked in the wrong thread. So far im trying to memorize hiragana and their strokes. But the problem is that i dont write legibly. Will this make a problem in the future?
Christopher Brooks
Writing is for fags, real japanese look at their iphone to copy the strokes
thank you poland user. Im actually developing an RPG and i will be making a JP localization. I will be sure to drop by here often to report my progress in learning. I just took this chance because of COVID-19 and my game development. Im currently listening to tae kims tutorials and im writing japanese characters with my fingers instead of pen to memorize them.
>ごと 【共▽】( 接尾 ) >名詞に付いて、そのものもいっしょにの意を表す。ぐるみ。 「財布-落とす」 「りんごを皮-食べる」 It’s another goto which means like “together with”. >put it down together with the arm and go back.
>「なるほどねぇ… それで秘密の隠し場所ってわけかい」 >「『爛熟の人妻シリーズ』ならタンスの下敷きがわりに」 >「『魅惑の女教師大全』なら本棚の一番上左から三番目に」 >「えっと…この場合、 『まぁ彼も男だし』と庇うべきかねぇ? それとも『ネタの傾向がけしからん』と追従すべきかねぇ?」 Some questions: what does 下敷きがわりに mean here? I'm guessing it's not 下敷き代わり, and it's just saying there's a lot (of magazines) under the drawer? and in the third line, 一番上左から三番目に means "it's on the top shelf, the third cubicle (space) from the left"? lastly, ネタ in the last line just means porn here right?
Tyler Gomez
>下敷き代わり This. “for the substitution of an underlay of the shelve”, like the gray sheet in the pic. It’s questionable if it’s a properly way to stash porn though. >一番上左から三番目に "it's placed on the top shelf, the third from the left" I think it’s the book the third from the left on the top shelf. >ネタ in the last line just means porn here right? Right.
Ohh, so 下敷き代わり is just a fake underlay that stuff can be hidden under... >I think it’s the book the third from the left on the top shelf. I never considered order of books (or magazines) to be a possibly interpretation for some reason. Thanks!
Jackson King
>割れる and 壊れる 割れる:splitting into pieces (typically for something fragile like porcelain and into 2 or several pieces. When it shatters it's 砕ける) 壊れる:could be the same as above (and "shatter") but generally "breaking down".
Luis Thomas
ありがとう (≧▽≦)ノ
Lucas Kelly
Why いえ and うち lead to the exact same word?
Jeremiah Carter
What does this mean? 吾は悪事も一言、善事も一言、言い離つ神
Thomas Walker
家 ? 家(いえ)is a building, 家(うち)is where you live. Dude you just should have googled 「うち」と「いえ」の違い