All Chicano presence online is us being cholos, drug addicts, or weirdos

>all Chicano presence online is us being cholos, drug addicts, or weirdos.

I blame all the foo pages.

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now imagine my life as a black man

Yeah and ?

I am a chicano incel that watches anime, also I am not gay.

What do these people do in their free time?
What do they do at their meet ups?
Do they have jobs?

Their job is to defend the barrio from mayates

Im a chicano but not a gangbanger. I was raised in a middle class neigborhood. I like to box in my free time and smoke weed and go hiking or fishing with friends. I am currently a convenience store clerk but am returning back to school to become an xray technician.

>smoke weed
stop, this is mayate tier behavior faggot, have some honor.

How is smoking weed black shit? We Mexicans been smoking weed since the revolution. Perhaps even before.

maybe because it's mostly unemployed people who have online presence

Question, why do Chicanos in particular like to LARP as pure Aztec warriors when they are in reality the offspring of Spanish Bvlls and tight Tlaxcalan brown girls.

Attached: cortes.jpg (300x300, 23.33K)

based warriors

Some of us are really proud of our native roots. Since most Mexicans are mestizo of unknown backgrounds, Aztec culture and imagery is what many adopt to reflect their indigenous backgrounds.

Black, Mexican, I don’t know why you hate each other you’re both criminal scum

Because, since you can't idealize the ambiguity of being mixed, you need to pick either and, since you'll obviously make an ass out of yourself if you pick the Spanish side, they're left with the indio side

I don't know man, being a biracial dude named Brian that can barely speak Spanish and then pretending to be Quatzolquatl seems a bit LARP to me.

Why can't they just admit they're mixed like a normal Mexican. It's appreciating both parts of yourself, rather than self hatred and LARPing.

>Question, why do Chicanos in particular like to LARP as pure Aztec warriors
We are thought in school that we descend from aztecs

>when they are in reality the offspring of Spanish Bvlls and tight Tlaxcalan brown girls.
Thats false
Most chicanos are olmec mestizos while
Tlaxcans were racially silvid like aztecs.
same reason different gangs and different cartels do not get along

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>We are thought in school that we descend from aztecs
I thought most of you were born or grew up in the USA because I wasn't talking about actual Mexicans but Chicanos.

Here is a depiction of tlaxcalans, they look silvid just like aztecs.

Attached: tlaxcala-56a58aac3df78cf77288ba63-5c38b598c9e77c00012f5f85.JPG.jpg (1491x1118, 379.63K)

American education sucks, our teachers tell us mexicans descend from aztecs

>Why can't they just admit they're mixed like a normal Mexican
A lot of people have trouble admitting -consciously or not- that the different precolumbian "Mexican" nations were very distinct to what Mexico actually became and that we have really no way to be decently informed about them and much less actually know them and "identify" with them. The remaining indigenous population is very much christian

Now here is the average mestizo/amerind facial features, they look more margid just like olmecs

Attached: portrait-hispanic-little-boy-smile-260nw-489308770.jpg (389x280, 15.04K)

ok boomer girl has the olmec margid face like the average mexican, very few mexicans are silvid tlaxacalan mestizos

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Would you let someone steal from you just because your people also tend to be criminals?

I am an American of Mexican descent

Attached: 65C8140E-0601-41E4-9C07-6DC74F437C22.png (2048x2048, 1.16M)

Average mexican/chicano mestizo has olmec or chichimeca features, If you want to identify with an amerindian group it should be with those peoples not aztecs.

In a way it reminds me a lot of white nationalists who decide to larp as pure Steppe-Warrior when we are in reality like 45% Indo-European by blood with the rest being conquered farmers and shit. Nobody normal identifies themselves with that LARP, just their actual modern ethnicity but somehow CHIs dont.

Bro you're not Castizo. Stop LARPing as one of us. Ethnicity estimates has me as 80-88% European

Attached: castizochad.png (461x635, 171.89K)

Why do they all have a weird pose and clothes to big for them?

Most mestizos do not have an ethnic identity so they have to make something up. Only people like amerinds who were not mexicanized have an actual ethnic identity

prison fashion, its not common anymore tho

How is Mexican not an ethnicity? From what I've read on some papers is that the majority of people have a similar admixture rate of European/Native with a minority being castizo/criollo or Indio.