
Brit kino edition

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might be the one after the other

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She wants a man who has been deliberately not masturbating for weeks (believing it gives him superpowers), who ejaculates at the mere sight of boobs.


Good morning lads

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hate women who dress like that

bad post

Wales kino

Noisy euromutt of a neighbour has been yelling on the phone for approximately 18 hours a day since he moved in.

It's a swimming costume you autistic freak
She can't help it that she has a big batty


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What is this user?


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Alri benders

I provided comfy
Horror and Fantasy

mmh maybe an other time.


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Sounds like a Balkan nigger or Romanian.

Its summer. Deano fucking loves the summer. The lads are all working tonight so hes happy to work until close in mcdonalds, especially as its just a wednesday and hes best mates with rhe manager so he can get paid an extra hour at the end while sitting in the back with him.Hes counting up the hours and tallying his pay up in his head: 'yes, made 40 fucking quid tonight, thats my drink and coke sorted for this weekend'. Tomorrow is going to be a top notch day, him and the boys are going on a mad trip to Dylan's cousins over the county border. One of his mates sends the group whatsapp snap of him fucking around with the walk in fridge doors where he works at dominos, another mate from KFC sends one of him sitting in his car during his break smoking a J. 'Cant wait boys' he sends back. The next day they argue over who is driving as they all want the lads in the back of their suped up Golf or Audi to show off the turbo. The next two nights are going to be belter, bottles of spirits and crates of beers for each of them and baggies of pills and coke to go round. First night at his cousins they end up shirts off, having a barbeque out the back in the sun, taking it in turns to go into the bathroom and snort lines. Dylan's cousins slag mates will be arriving soon. Deano, dressed in his jeans, belt and white shirt is fucking loving life. This town is pumping, its almost time to get in the taxi down to high street for some proper madness. Cant wait, and this is still only Thursday student night, Friday night is going to be even better. On Thursday night, Deano ran naked into his friends room while he was fucking some slag, the absolute mad laf. Friday night is good too, but the comedown from thursday starts setting in and he ends up fighting his mates. He has a class weekend, drives home on Saturday just in time to start his 5pm shift at McDonalds, he is hungover as fuck and 300quid down. The comedown is reallly setting in now, but he would do it all again in a heartbeat.

ah yes an African in a suit

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Pretty interesting, but this guys accent is annoying. Fake upper middle class class mutt.

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Is he Swiss?

In that case he is forgiven, mea culpa.

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Good taste.

>Why would a Amstelveen lad forgive a Swiss?
For his annoying accent i mean, i won't forgive his pretentiousness.

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just banished rorke to the shadow realm lads

i am legitimately making the next one though lads

Not accurate

For me its Ava Devines cum burrito bukkake scene

Was there ever any verification on the claim that the 'ting' goes skrat or was it all just hyperbole?

trim or shave the bush?

Coomer is such a stupid insult
Who cares what videos other people consume?

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findom gf just whatsapp'd me that she's leaving me for another paypiggy unless I send another $200 a month
fuck SAKE

listening to moz
good lad

ALWAYS a pleasure to wake up and see the aussie posters


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