/med/ - olive oil general

aka Mediterranean, aka coomer general. Invited: all Mediterranean countries. Also welcome: Any country that produces olive oil and wine, as well as the UK.

Ancient temple appreciation edition.

Have you visited any ancient temples recently? Which one is your favourite? Have you ever felt a Godly presence in one of them? If you could restore one temple to its full former glory, which one would it be?


Attached: temple_of_artemis.jpg (1280x590, 127.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:


how can i better cultivate and develop my inner med, /med/?
so far i've replaced all meat in my diet with seafood and i've moved back in with my parents

im a pure med

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but we eat meat

are you the one who was bitching in the other thread?

but seriously i dont understand people who say 20 years is early to leave home
I would pull out my teeth with pincers in exchange for not living at home in my 20s
It will become tight for you soon, your mother will start to get on your nervs, you will look how to get into or avoid a fight with father, you will want to slap your sister, with brothers you will not even communicate healthy or you will fight like dogs
It is unnatural for people in their 20+ to live with their mothers and fathers.ć
yes its fucked up that you cant normally after school or college internally get a job without any worries whether the salary will be late or come at all, and that in the end, you can support your wife, yourself and make children
There is nothing left but to go outside to work and then come home to an empty property or buy it, make your own 4 walls and dig trenches and tunnels around.
Find some blemish pick her up and like the great rocker you are making babies but not fucking around like he is. I get a lot of frustration with him, but in other things I agree with him and see my future similar.
Recently, I realized that I didn't want to be wealthy at all, I wouldn't know what to buy
I wouldn't need any of that
The other night, I would go home and listen to 2 clowns across the street, pass by a raging Mercedes, one says if I had one like this, I would immediately sell it for a sixth of a value. he is right. What the fuck would he need a Mercedes and what the fuck is he supposed to fuck around with it until he gets the price that he's happy
Same for me. I stopped going out. stopped approaching dumb sluts, started humiliating them and getting into conflicts with their orbiters, publicly telling them that they would not get pussy if they defended them from me.
Probably touched someone, I guess.
stopped working out. stopped playing games, sold Sony for 300 eurs.
I don't know what's going on, probably atmospheric changes are fucking me

hola friends

tldr slav fuck

what civ should I play as? (civ5)

actually nvm i'll play eurotruck

>everyone complains that they woke up early in the discord
>make thread early
>everyone's sleeping

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Smashing stuff right now.

Why do you post this you lesbian trash? Ancient Greeks would have killed you

>Using discord

what are you smashing?

are you the same faggot from yesterday, who didn't like EMilia?

alright guys, I have to go.
I'll probably not post till tomorrow afternoon, so I won't be making any new threads either for now.
Happy easter lads

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Vehicles, people.

Save me

Bitch, I use6 Ventrilo and MSN Messenger

Kinda funny how the Greek flag has white on it despite you guys constantly craving Muhammad's BBC


>Have you visited any ancient temples recently?
Not recently no
>Which one is your favourite?
>Have you ever felt a Godly presence in one of them?
>If you could restore one temple to its full former glory, which one would it be?
See favourite

Based time traveller from 2005

sorry fren you are beyond saving

It's caturday

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I would ask for an invite but i really don't want that much porn within reach

Was Baal worshiped there? Did you feel a positive or negative presence?

does Stonehenge count?

I haven't gone in a long ass time.
I don't know much about it, other than it being a roman temple. Which i now realize is a shame.
I'll be sure to ask around when i go next time

based tree

Hello frens

That won't be my saturday morning.
>put alarm clock at 7 to do stuff I don't really want to do
>leave bed at 11


Ah, still very cool. I believe in a spiritual side of life so its interesting to hear about such encounters

I forgot to answer your presence question. It induced awe, so positive

This is how it should be!
Med subhumans dancing for the Anglos amusement.


>I believe in a spiritual side
Is it more nature/universe, godly spirutuality, or something else?