Average Frenchman walks into Paris 2022
Average Frenchman walks into Paris 2022
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lol what a faggot
>be French
>be harassed if your own country
>be beaten up by a gang in your own country
>your own country's police arrests you
this was not a human, this was a tranny
fucking hilarious when tranny takes out its manly side and tries to fight in these situations
most ironic thing ever
refugees welcome :)
He will still vote for a leftist candidate
Eliminate all the lumpen
You are a refugee,not a lumpen
What a weak beta tranny
wtf he has a chad jawline why did he become a tranny
Yas Forums would rather defend foreign invaders rather than trannies from your own country and race?
trannies are the lowest of the low, regardless of race and country
> Current military policies, in association with the proposed hypermasculine phase of transsexual development, may actually result in a higher prevalence of transsexualism in the military than in the civilian population.
jawline and being transgender are not related
trannies gave themselves up
would support foreign invaders raping them
Thats really sad to watch
Always kill the traitor
That's why communist faggots will hang
bet he was among the first to hold a "refugees welcome" sign. you reap what you sow
it's honestly a hard choice here, i hate both. Probably just relax and enjoy the shitshow
i'm dissapointed by shitskins
a hundred of them and they don't even dare to beat up one tranny yet the local drunkard of my village broke the bones of the local gay
>Implying anyone will rape that filth
>You reap what you sow
Exactly, France invaded Algeria and now Algeria invades France
Wtf I love immigrants now
Problem with ethnics isn’t them as people it’s them being in the wrong country trannies are fucked up people
Because it's a mental illness?
if they love algeria so much why don't they go back there? i mean if i were to live to another country you wouldn't see me flaunting an argentinian flag... i mean... just sayin
Because they are counter invading France as revenge
Trannies vote left, they've made their bed, now let them lie in it.
>that tranny brute strength
ngl extremely based
Also kind of funny that even a tranny is stronger and taller than the nafri cucks this webm is just perfect
Did the good guys really win ww2?
Thanks to those "invaders", you live a good life in Canada, Zhang.