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tfw woke up without gamma ray burst destroying all organic life on Earth in my sleep editio

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eucalyptus is only in california because we put it there. it is native to us

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nadeshiko want

Oh right, I remember the pasta now. Still the maple isn't unique to eastward Canada but it's almost uniquely cultivated there (and Japan). It would grow and the syrup could be harvested elsewhere, but it needs and industry and such to exist. It might as well be a uniquely eastern tree. It's a strong tree, that's why it was chosen as our emblem, but it shouldn't have been since it's not universally Canadian.

yeah the southern cross is strange since it is actually on the Brazilian flag and most people here wouldn't know what is significant about it

>20 Canadian tons for 5 people?
>Yes, we CAN work in Canadian social services!

>most people here wouldn't know what is significant about it
Really? I'd imagine anyone in the South hemisphere would know or be able to reference it since stuff like Orion is so unique to Western civilization. Having it inverse seems extremely unique and worthwhile, it sounds strange to hear that aussie kids don't learn about it.

Ahhh the maple. Some fagg0t brought it over here like 100 years ago from NA and now it's declared and invasive species, as it's destroying our linden trees. Apparently maples spread their roots out very widely and other trees don't survive around them or some shit.
>Maple flag
>Canadian or un-Canadian?

we dont get taught anything worthwhile here

>now it's declared and invasive species
It should be west of the Rockies.

>we dont get taught anything worthwhile here
Sound sadly familiar. I wish we learned more about frontriersmen.

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i remember reading something a few years ago saying that Australian students do worse than Kazakhstan students

I keep wishing other Commonwealth Realms will end up better but it's all the same chink soul-selling, british abandonment and loss of identity.

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the sun woke me up
i slept 3 hours
3 for the prior night too
i quit my job by email but havent gotten a reply

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I want destruction, death, pain and darkness for everyone.


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whats the housing situation like in canada? in australia, every news article that talks about the housing market 'improving' is if prices go up meaning they improve for investors, not improving in affordability for anyone that just wants to buy a house

Why? Also, is the port city starting with V he's sucking off delicious?

I feel you bro

highly doubt that

I honestly haven't followed it since a few years, the chinese keep buying real restate and I don't want to look at my future housing situation. Going from colleagues and so, it's only gotten more dominated by chinks.

When was the last time any Western government got back Latin or Greek into the curriculum, or increased standards? I don't know when did the Australian ministries improve education but I know anywhere else in the West, it's been decades.


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it does a study every 4 years on 4th grade and 8th grade maths/science and khazakstan did better in those 4 categories. obviously since the study only goes for science it maths it can be misleading for overall education but as i said i remembered reading it from a few years ago

good morning lads, I am suffering once again.

noooo... don't suffer... haha... stop suffering

why do lithuanians kill themselves so much?

It's not actually suicides, it's ritual sacrifice, but don't tell anyone.