I know my country is a shithole, yes I understand this, but looking at how Sweden is handling this coronavirus pandemic...

I know my country is a shithole, yes I understand this, but looking at how Sweden is handling this coronavirus pandemic, I gotta ask: what is wrong with these people?
It's like their tutorial country status, because they've had it for so long, has made their leaders too impractical, weak to action, naive, too "liberal" in the worst sense of the word.

What are they doing? Don't they know many people are dying? Isn't the death toll quickly rising there?

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Sweden is right through


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boipussy... post it now.

I don't understand your post. Are you dyslexic?

Don't reply

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I think you are the disabled one

Look at who they're letting die. Old people, fat people, terminally ill people, refugees and homeless. Economic drains and deadweights. Remember Sweden used to have a eugenics program. It's heartless but Sweden will unironically win in the long run.

I do not like my good tutorial country friends on Yas Forums suffering (even though this is the first time in their comfy problem free lives they will actually experience it)

Did you really force your parents to fund your studies overseas?

I'm not American.

did you really force your parents to invest in crypto? and then losing all that money?

I wish I studied overseas.
I've been thinking of saving money to go to an American law school though.
In California.

That's my money.
They think crypto is a pyramid scam, which is hilariously false. Well, what are we gonna do.

How about you read first and get english comprehension, mexican user.

I'm in California, you can save rent if you live with me ;3

I feel you bro.

Of course, our brothers at Vietnam will understand.
Studies have shown Vietnam is doing great and I think you will already lift the restrictions soon.
Hopefully, Flipland is next. To some extent, we are proving the doubters wrong and the curve has in fact started to flatten.

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Sweden has enough hospitals and ventilators.
They also practice social distancing in normal cases, nothing to worry about.

I actually respect the Swedish governemnt a great deal for entrusting their citizens to act of their own volition. Even if their numbers are pretty bad.

Are you planning to move abroad to the US?


Flip bro

All policies in the world are made by this simple equation

Money > People

Value of money and by extension the greater economy is always greater than the cost of humans

That is it. By following this simply equation you too can understand most if not all government decisions

I give them 2 weeks before they go back on it

Just relying on trust is such a terrible idea. It's a tutorial country mindset that will cause thousands to die.
You can't fully trust all people. That is a very naive and ideal, bordering delusion. Even if assuming Sweden is very trusting, one apple can infect already a large group of people.
You have to force them to listen and to stay home.

I have relatives in San Jose.

Sapere aude my dude, if you never trust people to think for themselves and act of their own accord they will never develop the capacity to do so.

Trust in people only come if everybody is content, if there is no threat to anybody.
When something bad happens, a mob becomes irrational, they can't think right. Eventually, they would abuse something given to them at the expense of others.

This is naive tutorial world thinking.

If you leave a million dollars to a man for years, with ZERO ways of guarding him, you don't think he'll steal it? Why do you think accountants have jobs?

Who cares? Coronavirus is a nothing burger and everyone can see that now, Sweden was just smarter and realized that the virus was a non-issue since the beginning.

Meanwhile, you Tagalogs are putting us in the #1 spot in South East Asia. I know you guys really love to be the first always because muh peenoy pride worldwide butt fuck, can't your people at least stay put for once and stop the rallying?


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The country is not ""too liberal" for your kaguyafag face
Yet we have the shittiest death rate and recovery rate

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