Why are Iranian mad when they are called Arab??????
Why are Iranian mad when they are called Arab??????
Same reason gook mad if you call them chink/jap
arab is a slur?
But other sand niggers such as Morocoan, Algerian and etc aren’t mad??
theyre ayrian
because.. they're mostly arabs? are you retarded?
They think they're white
Because most Iranians look nothing like arabs and other low level sandniggers, both in facial structure and skin tone.(I was born in Italy from an Iranian family, grew up there for 20 years and literally no one ever noticed I wasn't Italian unless I'd told them)
Also we speak a different language altogether, unlike most northern african and Arabian countries.
They speak different languages and they're like 90% Shias
This is what an iranian looks like, this is their peak
>Because most Iranians look nothing like arabs and other low level sandniggers, both in facial structure and skin tone.(I was born in Italy from an Iranian family, grew up there for 20 years and literally no one ever noticed I wasn't Italian unless I'd told them)
They're literally not Arab.
T, sandnigger
No matter how hard you try to deny, you are all the same brown niggers
>mfw made this post
>mfw Iranian sandindu comes out of hiding to make sure to tell everyone how he looks Italian to spite me
You are Arabs are too easy to triggered
>Muhammad. But I am not Arab.
Gets me every time.
That's a pretty chad face in my book. He just needs to lose some weight.
lul seething fags
>File: 30D7129F-9702-4311-9C48-9(...).jpg (218 KB, 5
Why don't you ever get this mad at white people that wear your clothing? There are probably pictures of white people wearing the same clothing, but you don't mock them
And they don't look asian
why do you eat bats?
Why do you think they should be allowed to appropriate Korean culture just because they're brown?
>noooooooooo!!!! You cannot mock my race!!!!!!
I was just beating this brown nigger by the fact that they belong in brown sandniggers not different from Morocco or Algeria
appropriate he's just wearing the robe.
All countries stand out when they wear foreign traditional clothing not that I am saying if it is done with or without respect, but they are doing nothing except wearing the dress.
if you condemn him you should condemn all
Ffs they are not Arabs.
Neither are Nafris, Levantines, Turks, Afghans etc.
Also, take note that Arabized doesn't mean the same thing as Arab.
Stfu Pajeet. You throw fits when compared to Arabs as well.
Indians rarely look like Arabs. Most Indians are much swarthier and have wavy not curly hair. Indians are closer to Ethiopians in terms of look.
Not saying anything bad about Arabs just pointing out facts.
But why they wear the same clothes?
A lot here actually were indians and now are citizens here, if you see someone with straight here you know they either got iranian or indian background
Sikhs get assaulted assaulted all the time for "looking Arab".
Are they not Indian to you?
Do people know how desperate they are when they try to convince others they are light skinned/white
Then they spoke in dialect to you and you got paved
North American retardation. Anyone brown and not Latino = """Arab""". I also blame Hollywood for constantly confusing between Arab and Indian culture.
They literally casted Ali Fazal in Fast and Furious as an Arab merchant.
Also, there are Arabs with dark skin too. However, they are Arab in name only and are more comparable to East Africans genetically.
Is this the reason why Iranian women always fixed their nose with rhinoplasty?
Just as I thought, you do know how it feels.
>in name only
this is your brain on Yas Forumstism, arabs come in all different shapes, sizes and colours, you shut in autistic kid.
My point was that they are genetically distinct from Arabs despite having the same culture.
How do indians/iranans get qatari citizenships? Qatari men marrying foreigners?
shut the fuck up, you retarded mutt with your 23andme retardation. there are people of the same tribe with different skin tones, retardo mutt.