Attached: A.webm (720x480, 1.16M)

>inb4 some roastie or white knight cuck coming to the thread and calling op an incel

wtf bros I'm rock hard?

Why do guys hate doggos all of a sudden?

Attached: dog cute accident.jpg (900x1200, 281.7K)

Incel freaks

>>inb4 some roastie or white knight cuck coming to the thread and calling op an incel
why are there so many of them recently?


Sorry, its just called being not a incel subhuman freak like you. Sorry not sorry, m*n.

Attached: 1586650599943.png (656x802, 186.22K)

kys tranny freak

Attached: 1587156237520[1].webm (720x1280, 2.88M)

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-18 00-00-14.png (1366x768, 822.83K)

Is that Valentina Nappi?


kys sino freak

No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.vNo, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.vNo, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.No, it is you subhuman incel freak ugly freak who will die instead.vNo, it is you subhuman incel fre


Attached: dassa.jpg (225x225, 11.57K)

reminds me of that one shindol doujin

Imagine having a gf who really, really likes dogs wouldn't that be funny haha

Dogs are man's best friend. Why are guys nowadays so afraid of them?

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I wish I had the confidence of that wolf

Are guys really jealous of dogs? Like seriously?

Attached: girl dog 495834.jpg (366x550, 74.37K)

take another look.

how can humen even compete?

They know they cant compete with the K N O T


What a subhuman species.

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better than fucking niggers

Why did your mom have you then?

wtf is this what they do when they take my dog behind closed door for his "shots"?

Literally, literally made for BIG RED KNOT
