How often does this happen in your cunt?

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>me on the left with the bottle every time I find a guy I actually like

chortling at the idea it's at least happened to one femanon here

Wtf dude, that's gay

why not try to talk to him lad?

Do you become a woman everytime you find a man you like?

this is what winning looks like

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Cmon you know you like it.
Your national sport is running away from bulls after all ;) xx

Me with a bottle right now

god i wish that were me

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Here in the Brazil if two males kiss they would probably get lynched and killed.

Well fck Brazil. More like shitzil

Cope. Brazil has a massive homo population and is also a zionist anti-white shithole.

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what does losing look like?

both gay af

what are files faggot.jpg, faggot2.jpg, and faggot3.jpg?

Why do I find myself wishing I was the blonde guy

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Me I'm so lonely

>Why do I find myself wishing I was the blonde guy

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I am being serious bro I don't understand why I feel this way

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Being a woman in modern times is suffering.

Let me give u a dgoof dickong baby

That doesn't happen in real life. I mean, a woman here won't support her boyfriend if he cheated on her with another man. They'll beat you and insult you like a faggot you are.

>implying a woman could beat up a male

Mamamamamma I like to talk liek a.srulid mezian balalabalablabalab

I... What?

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Just b urself sis :)

I said let me give you a good fucking

being a man is difficult

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foids getting what they want

cause you're a tranny.
make sense of it now or repress it forever

but I'm a boy though

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who was taking the picture

err seriously? I don't think I am though, but I don't know. how does one make sense of this

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Yes and I'll fuck you