Jimi Hendrix edition
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Other urls found in this thread:
i need dick
few drinks in
is it over?
you are drinking alcohol? aren't you under 21?
>fuck off
Try looking down
i thought the toronto flag was lesbian
Anime is worse than anti-Semitism, sexism, and racism.
sorry, but that is probably the dumbest law ever produced in this country.
attempt at sleep edition
oh yeah maple
how the fuck did i forget about her omg
You can suck on mine cause of those sweet trips
nth for Swedish genocide
its too small to satisfy me
>I’m half race traitor whore, half Turk rape baby
>I swear I am 100% Japanese tho I even learned it on duo lingo and from anime
No, you're correct, legal drinking age needs to be fucking lowered, no one listens to it anyway
I want a gf like this.
How much for the cat
its illegal to carry less than $2 in cash at all times in IL. Or it was when I lived there
I like anime, anti-semitism, sexism, and racism.
i'm a bit mad rn
Unofficial /cum/ census
>race traitor
>I’m half race traitor whore [...]
And you call me LARP? kek, imagine calling someone a race traitor for fucking a greek.
#Me too
Don't fret
Good, be mad. Maybe that'll learn you not to tell people they look like they have FAS or have schizophrenia.
I told you to ignore them, bud.
Let's say I have four pieces of pie, each the same size. If I add a fifth equal sized piece, would it be a 20% increase or a 25% increase?
>>I’m half race traitor whore, half Turk rape baby
>>I swear I am 100% Japanese tho I even learned it on duo lingo and from anime
I hate white women, minority men, gays, trannies, pedophiles, and anime posters.
I agree with those last three
I mean, let's be fair. You do act like a schizo.
i dont know
Is it hot when a pretty girl is racist or super mean in some way? Or is it just me?
oh c'mon, sorry for that, i already told you i didn't try to say you looked like you have fas, it looked like it i just used the wrong words
i don't believe that
say a mean thing to me so I can wake up to it
Nice cope
>I mean, let's be fair. You do act like a schizo.
How can I kill myself without my family thinking it was a suicide?
shes a regular at /extraflags/
which is great, shes a great comfy poster
That’s like the first baby step into full blown cuckoldry my man
You are on the wrong website.
What are you even doing here?
uhh, no, the complete fucking opposite are you serious?
before I sleep I want to say I wonder which sexpat would win in a fight
it's hard for me to talk to ugly girls because i have no desire to form a relationship with them
maybe if they were gay
get /extraflags/
I have been here since 2006.
wtf my game froze
these all suck
technology made people more insular so zoomers don't meet girls as often
Just use a tripfag if you're going to be an attention whore.
I don't know their is something attractive about it. I would never date a girl like that, but seeing hot girls saying offensive stuff turns me on
>Just use a tripfag
Imagine unironically typing this.
whats wrong?
Well if he does we can filter him
Germany has good women, G*rman men are cuckolds, sadly enough.
flags are better than trips
Filter this DICK
What a faggot lmao
He's a schizo with FAS.
fk is a pedo and poop fetishist
don't know why the right wing on /cum/ loves him
How do you feel when Japs start talking English to you because you look like some freak mutt and not even remotely Japanese
I don't believe you. Just going to be honest. People who have been here 10+ years are more likely to act like actual, reasonable adults.
i recorded some really mean things at you, but something is wrong with my mic, so it sounds like this.
I don't love him
t. the right wing on /cum/
user, i posted mine first , yours would be the unofficial one
that's a fetish then?
got into a discussion with jason and that racist japanese that went nowhere
I've read your post and determined you're a faggot.
What's FAS?
The absolute cope & projection in this post is immense, we get it fren, your insecure about being a polish mutt.
He has a little penis too
i'm none of those things ._.
I think it's because zoomers are autistic and spend their life watching anime and twitch instead of proper socialization.
consider that implied under the 'tinder' category
Fat Ass Slut
I am a footman
Nothing more
Nothing less
ok..OK!...I am also a girlarseholeman.
simply cannot name one poster I dislike
I am left wing and racist.
Yaeah, hurts, doesn't it?
we know sashy, you're a rage-a-holic with unipolar depression and a weak bladder.
>a hapa calling people mutts
Is it because there are at least two?
I don't like urkel
>What's FAS?
It means they had degenerate parents who didn't give a shit about the health of their child. Which isn't surprising since their kid turned out to be a faggot.
Lets be honest, you are a little dense sometimes, fren.
no, you shit
>I am left wing and racist.
This is a Jimi Hendrix edition
same desu, just cause i get into discussions with them doesn't mean i dislike them
yeah, i get, already told you sorry for it
but my song is better...
yes you are also a pedo
and a poop fetishsit
and a non offending cannibal(at least thats what i think)