What exactly is it that Americans deserve?

What exactly is it that Americans deserve?

The more precise the better

Attached: Americans.png (649x365, 368.74K)


The rest of the worlds population as slaves


Picture looks like a zombie film

Civil war

Attached: amerizombies.jpg (2400x1600, 654.33K)

government mandated gfs

Nothing. A man gets what he earns.

this please

just so you know anything bad you type here will get you on a watchlist in the US

Watchlist doesn't mean jack shit. Senators have been on watchlists.

I'm on a watchlist

>In 2020, the COVID-19 rate in the United States rises four hundred percent. The once great state of Michigan becomes the one maximum security quarantine for the entire country. A fifty-foot containment wall is erected along the Lake Michigan shoreline, along Lake Huron, and down along the Indiana-Ohio containment zone. It completely surrounds the state of Michigan. All bridges and waterways are mined. The United States Police Force, like an army, is encamped around the island. There are no guards inside the quarantine zone, only boomers and libertarians and the free America they have made. The rules are simple: once you go in, yo- COOF COOF COOF

Attached: HerBrothersKeeperBen6.jpg (480x360, 16.64K)

You aren't the first person to have made that correlation

Eh I feel like at some point America as a whole will just give up fighting ourselves and go back to bullying some small third world country instead

Good, fuck niggers(which means fuck the usa of course)

The eruption of Yellowstone.

just like my Marvel movies...

Attached: image.jpg (2044x1921, 1.45M)



The gallows

me in the middle

me on the right

I have a government job so I will whitelist myself

which one?

this photo is iconic
>the maga hat
>the anomalous mask
>the flag in the background
>the reflexion of the dude not caring
>the stereotyped white republican

ironically photo of the month

are drumpfkin paid actors? why do they always look the same?


