/mena/ + /diaspoop/ + /incels/

google advanced AI edition

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>كن جاني
>كن ديوث

هل الجواني فعلا ؟

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i forgot a dot lol
>...wasn't it (user). a person...
also sarcasm isn't evident by text you should've realized that somewhere else my friend

Is there any proof that the Saudi flag is an american with a vpn?

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She lives with her cousins, here men can’t see their female cousins

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>also sarcasm isn't evident by text you should've realized that somewhere else my friend
you're right.
i should add a /s every time i make a joke. reddit style

السلام عليكم انا عاوز انكح فايا يونان
شكرا على حسن استماعكم

>here men can’t see their female cousins
that's sad.

i also want to tear her ass but out of absolute hate, not because she's sexy

No It isn’t

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it is.

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no it's not evident anywhere it's just you shouldn't act like
>haha got em
for that bro
young me would've been sad

>vilayet-e fagih

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Is Syria in quarantine because of coronachan?

assad? is that you?

yes but it is as useless as the entire country
being outside is allowed from 6 am to 6 pm but at the same time opening your shop or working isn't allowed

Well i’m not sad

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Was that Skyrim? Which one?

they say ignorance is bliss.
and i might've, likewise, missed similar opportunities because of things out of my power.

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Iran is even worse they had to re open everything because they're economy couldn't handle it anymore. If Russia was ever worried about Iran being too strong in Syria now they're relieved for sure

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You call it ignorance i call otherwise cuckold

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>cucked out of meeting his female cousins
>calls me the cuckold
i don't pity you, user.

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iranian presence now is only near holy shiite sites. IRGC and other iranian backed groups (except the hezb) are no longer participating in any battle because they don't want to ruin their relation with erdogan

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Yes showing your daughters to men is considered cuckold, that’s a semitic custom romanised one

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what if she's lesbian are you the complete opposite

19th century photograph of a Middle Eastern village; note the stone, some rough and some dressed; small windows; doors below street level; flat roofs; haphazard positioning of houses

superior islamic/jew civilization uhg what could have been if al andalus was not conquered

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you're getting "cucked" by a woman in that case.

what's erdogan's endgame

Imagining myself living hundreds of years ago is comfy until i think about bathrooms/hygiene

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i'm afraid he'll annex idlib and some northern areas like his ancestors did with alexandretta, though i wouldn't care less if idlib is gone

شباب السلام عليكم
كسم الصين زاتو
