Do you like to kiss people of the same gender in your country?

>Do you like to kiss people of the same gender in your country?

Yes yes yes I do. Not that I get to do it often, but I did it once, actually in a different country. I want it and it want it now. Be my bf please, I think you know who you are. Yes I'm drunk how could you tell?

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No, i'm straight

Oh okay, but aren't you gay?


I like to kiss with bearded men. The beard tickles

Do you want to be beardded too or do you want to be unbreaesed

knew a kid from finland who moved her becaue his dad did. he followed him. he was 16 and very happy and bright in his personality and he showed me how a physical "bro relationship" could be. we touched and rubbed shoulders constantly. he'd lay his legs over me as we co op'd videogames. he'd hug me everytime we had to part. we never kissed but as a lonely boy i deep down appreciated his lovelyness and copanionship. felt good to just be touched. not even in a sexual way it just just made me melt every time we hugged and leaned on eachother as brothers

That's cute and sweet and I like it

Where is he now user

miss him like crazy. miss play videogames with friends in general. aahhhhhrgh miss my finnish friend so bad mates, id log on the 360 at night nd he'd send a message "wanna play?!?!" gonna cry and i miss his hugs

I wish I could hug you right now

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moved back to finland after highschool cuz his mom and sister needed help.

There was another guy who hit on me a few times back in high school. I only realized several years later.

Why don't you keep in touch with him on discord or smth and play games

no but ill kiss women
especially women with cocks!

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kissing girls is actually much nicer than kissing men

No I've done both and definitely preferred the later.

i dunno. i got weird and life got crazy for a bunch of years. i could find him on fb probably. honestly, im drunk enogh to make one right now and send him a message. ill let ya know if he responds

I'm gonna message my first kiss (gay) right now

Have a little dignity son

What's even the point

I only kiss on the cheek my father, my dearest uncle and my grandson. Everyone else gets a handshake

God, I want a cute bf so bad.

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It hurts user, deep in my chest

Unless it is my father and mother or lovers I dont like kissing others, same gender or not.
What a disgusting custom.

based and manly. wish we did this in america

It always sucks when you realize you missed a chance like that

fucking do it bro

I, the second person you respond to, Ave down it

any response?

Not yet :(