Shalom boys,
Im a French citizen (22) who has been living in Colombia for about a year and got into a relationship with a Colombian girl from here about 5 months ago.
She has invited me to spend Boomer quarantine with her at families house (been here for a month now) they treat me super nice and they legit insist me getting extra food and not doing so much.
A week ago she and her family made a suprise birthday party for me.
Tldr got a nice Colombian gf and family here.
Why haven't you gotten a south American gf yet and for ppl with experience what are some of the downsides of having a South American gf or wife?
South American women
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because I’m busy talking to a Russian cutie
nice blog faggot frog
Thanks bro, there was a pretty clear question tho
No swarthy GF
Why live?
are you white
How did you meet her?
I haven’t actually met her if that’s what you meant. She’s just an online friend
Blue and brown mixed eyes, and brown hair
Her grandmom said my skin was like milk so yeah
What is your reasoning behind talking to her?
Not judging btw
For real, i know it's a meme but they are by far superior to white women by far
>big family that will most likely like you
>great body
>kinda like a Filipina (i think) but a million times better looking and your kids will be pretty white
I like history and foreign cultures fascinate me. Talking to her gives me a glimpse into that other world that I never would’ve otherwise experienced. She’s similarly interested in American life and further developing her English, so it’s a win-win. Her being cute is just a bonus.
Did you meet on dating apps or social media?
And sounds cool man, i hope you can meet someday
Social media, and thank you I do too. Why did you leave your life behind in France for a girl in Colombia?
Colombian girls are top tier.
Does she ever sit on your face? How is the sex overall?
good. swarths should not be allowed to mix into the latino gene pool
>Blue and brown mixed eyes
do you mean heterochromia?
Are most Colombian guys Brayans?
that girl's living the dream
i too want a french qt
good for you user
I want a French girl's bare ass in my face
My eyes are a mix of blue and brown, not one eye with only one color.
White ppl here have said I don't really stick out tho since I have a hooked nose and brown hair.
Yeah everyone seems pretty fine with her getting into a very serious relationship with a white guy
do you prefer Colombian girl or French girl for sex and blowjobs?
Sex is very good and daily.
They are fine with us staying together despite her grandparents being religious
what's your opinion of her slimy brown pussy? I personally fucking love those
I'm pretty average in my own country but it girls way out of my league in Europe has given me so much attention.
It really does seem that guys here (except for Argentina) got hit with the ugly stick and the women here became hot asf
Not gonna get into detail about that bro
A lot of Colombian guys in general seem to have a very aggressive and in my opinion off putting attitude plus strange proportions.
One of the reason women here generally want foreign dudes
She seems incredibly happy and I have gotten away with demanding stuff (dress conservatively) which I never could with a European girl.
I'm really in love too and couldn't wish for a better life or girlfriend than I have rn
It's not that Colombian guys are ugly, they just have terrible fashion sense.
They get have haircuts and fashion inspired by African-Americans, but it just looks weird on them.
The upper class ones who have more class tend to dress better and look more handsome.
Yeah a lot of people here are very Americanized and inspired by ghetto styles.
My gf is very middle class and with a pretty well functioning family (she likes kpop and older American pop a lot tho)
It's nice to know she hasn't chosen me mainly for the Plata lol
Sorry, try Indian Facebook sex fantasy groups for that or Yas Forums for that tho
I blame the Jews for pushing that wannabe black stuff on Latin America's poor
Via shitty reggaeton, perhaps
And that's good as far as reggaeton goes, Anuel AA's music is straight up ghetto shit with no redeeming values
How did you meet her?
Imo there is nothing wrong with it rhythmically but the values it promotes are from the deepest depths of hell and should be removed from the surface of the earth.
It is sadly very popular( and toxic against actual positive Latin American culture) especially with young kids like her little brother.
When walking down the street I Can legit always here it booming from somewhere
Did some stuff at her uni in Bogota and her great English skills caught my eye
and how's your spanish user?
Rhythmically it is just really repetitive, and it has killed off all Latin popular music that isn't reggaeton.
It is essentially keeping Latin America ghetto and not sophisticated.
I can understanding about 50% thanks to Duolingo and two years in school.
Its getting a lot better rn since im interacting with her family (who only speak spanish) constantly.
I wish it was a bit better since i sometimes miss out on a lot of context when her family tells stories
The rhythm is actually pretty common in a lot of European folk music too with 4 to the floor kick and snares on 3 and 2.
But yeah the genre is talent thot stuff that will only destroy social values further and glorify ghetto behavior and life choices
n are you teaching her some french user?
Universal Latin America is terrible and is largely responsible for killing all forms of Latin American music except for reggaeton.
Reggaeton is even killing off banda in Mexico.