CAT edition
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
with ketchup edition
nth for Swedish genocide
He looks dangerous for his size
I hate homosexuals.
Stocked social media and got my feelings hurt again
Puff Puff Pass
I am this cat
I too hate homosexuals.
you have exactly 5 seconds to post a picture or webm of an animal
If it is not safe to eat carnivores, does that mean it is safe to cannibalize lifelong vegetarians? Or does the body retain the enzymes or whatever that cause that problem regardless of diet
Unofficial /cum/ census
I want a gf like this.
another 5 km on the bike
one day im gonna do it without almost dying at the end
gj im proud of you bud
one day im gonna do it and die at the end*
is it all uphill or something?
Losing weight isn't going to make you a woman.
she has a beautiful smile
Overlord and The Lighthouse are both on prime video
If you haven't seen The Lighthouse you should really watch it
It's perfectly fine to eat carnivores. You're just more likely to consume accumulated toxins/heavy metals, though it should be negligible.
very kissable lips
Sorry I made the last two threads so terrible. :(