Have you ever been robbed in your country?
Crime Thread
Almost got killed going to work in the br*nx
a girl robbed my heart but the bitch moved to some village and i never saw her again
No but I have robbed people
no but I stole weed from a frenchie after he threw up all over my jacket
had a knife being stuck to my throat a few months ago, the scumbag wanted my iphone, his friends pulled him away telling him it wasnt worth stabbing me for a phone. Cops came after half an hour to write stuff down on paper and they left. Never heard of anything after that. If i had a glock the guy would have been bleeding out on the cement and there would have been one less scumbag in the world. Americans never give away your guns
Yes i have to pay taxes
the police never gave my computer back, these niggers never do, good thing it was a very old one and not my main computer which they couldn't take
was it an immigrant?
>meanwhile in america
guy get shot and robbed
no, chased off a druggie who broke into my neighbours car thats all. im more likely to rob than getting robbed honestly.
bunch of australians in this fucking thread
>be kid in iraq
>get raped
No. I am simply too intimidating for anyone to try it.
no but i've been stealing electricity for over 15 years.
Polish, meanwhile my parents are arab
Surprisingly no, you guys must be careless as fuck.
And I've lived in CDMX
>No, I don't pay taxes.
some faggots tried when I was 12 but I outspeed them
Never been approached by someone violently and robbed, and I live in a pretty shitty part of brasil
People have broken into my car a couple of times and stolen things from there while it was parked tho
Yes. The government robs me every year
I got slashed to shit by some African on a moped who tried to grab my phone. Missed my body but fucked my leg. Police said it was "a machete like instrument".. It was a machete.
Been off my leg for 6 months, muscles gone fucked off and the nerves are done. No feeling from the knee up to the joint.
A junkie once tried to break into my apartment but his emaciated state left him unable to kick in my door and he gave up after like 16 strikes, it was very awkward and worked out well for him because I would have shot him if he successfully broke in.
Wow fuck Africans
>moped snatchers with machetes
niggas can't rob for shit they should take a few classes here
At least the ones who lives around here. Scum all of them.
No, and I live in a big city
You guys are fucking careless or just really dumb
I'm still approched to buy drugs regularly
god damn
masallah habibi.
My bike was almost stolen, but the robber must’ve realized it’s a rusted piece of shit because he dumped it right on the other side of my backyard wall.
This one genuinely makes me feel bad. Hope you get better soon user, it's a shame fucking foreigners did that to you in your own cunt
I live in Chicago and traveled through a lot of sketchy countries in south America and Africa, and the only time I've been robbed is in Montreal
Did they find the culprit?
Nope. Even with me leaving my first apartment unlocked for 3 years straight.
I was not robbed,but I once robbed one old guy from my town and took his wallet and found 500€,and police didn’t found me. Does this count?
no, but I once saw someone going really very fast on the highway, I'd reckon they were passing me at 160 miles an hour
Makes me wonder what kinda "controls" they do on the people they let in. None is my guess.
No, they dropped the case after a couple months since there was no suspects, cameras or witnesses. Sometimes I wish we had the camera surveillance the UK have.
>meanwhile in US
let's invade a country based on a lie and ruin lives
Some nig tried to steal my Yu-Gi-Oh cards when I was in elementary school
There's a shop owned by an old man near me, I shoplift from it every single day
Damn. Can't say I'm surprised, it's Sweden after all.
Hope your leg gets better over time.