What you drinking tonight ?

What you drinking tonight ?
I'm drinking a doppelbock weizen from Germany, Aventinus. It's good.

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it's morning

>that .webm
WTF i hate brasil now

why is it always a brazilian flag posting the weird webms on this board? Is it all you user?
A couple of hours earlier someone was posting a webm where some chick shits into a guys mouth and then one the whole log is out it kind of flops over on his face

Stupid jap, timezones aren't real

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cringe but redpilled
yes that was me haha :-)
you like my webms?

>you like my webms?
I wouldnt say I like them, but they are certainly interesting lol. Gotta wonder about a guy like you who finds this stuff

I'm drinking some cheap wine from god knows where

I'm drinking a cosmopolitan

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Vodka and maybe some bourbon

>but they are certainly interesting lol.
That's nice.
I like posting and seeing people's reactions.

Germany has good white wine I'm led to believe. I think in the Rhine region maybe?

Some itaipavas soon™


>There could be crackas here

>Germany has good white wine I'm led to believe
yeah, that's what I'm drinking right now
>I think in the Rhine region maybe?
you are correct; the region is called 'Rheingau' and close to where I live.
my mom's boyfriend inherited a piece of vineyard from a friend that died in fact, but I haven't gotten a bottle yet. he's still a noob so his harvest wasn't that great last time.

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I brew as a hobby, but mostly mead and beer. I want to start wine too.

I'd recommend, if you like red, to try Argentinian Malbec, more specifically TRAPICHE MALBEC. It shouldn't be expensive, it costs the equivalent of 10 euros here.

What are some common grapes used in German wine?

>I brew as a hobby, but mostly mead and beer. I want to start wine too.
very cool. I don't remember if I've even had mead. it's quite uncommon here nowadays; not something you usually see being sold.
>Argentinian Malbec, more specifically TRAPICHE MALBEC
thanks for the rec; I'll check it out
>What are some common grapes used in German wine?
unfortunately I'm not knowledgeable on the subject myself, but I'll be hiking with the dude tomorrow, so I'll be sure to ask him. since he's quite talkative I can probably tell you in detail next thread.

What are they growing, Riesling?

vodka of course

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Riesling (according to a google search) would be the main variety, yes.

>be from 1st world
>still drink shit
what did he mean by this?
breh at least buy some Stolichnaya

i've tried both. I dont think one is better then the other. I just buy smirnoff because my shop sells it in bigger bottles

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Stoli stoli stoli

try Russian Standard

gonna drink a modelo negra

i've tried it. again i didnt think it was anything special. vodkas taste all the same to me which is how its supposed to be

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why keep the bottles?


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do you like gin?

kinda pathetic and cringe desu

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its the only thing i have to be proud of

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don't do it mr skeltal

I'm drinking bottom-shelf vodka because buying expensive vodka in order to get fucked is a waste of money. Bottom-shelf vodka tastes the same after the 4th shot or so

don't worry, it's ethanol

>it costs the equivalent of 10 euros here.
you what ? are prices for wine this high in Brazil ? Trapiche cost 11CDN$ here (like 7 euros)

This. Australia though.

palomas using san peli and reposado