sanctified edition
Italian American women
don't recall asking
I want to go to England, what are some towns you recommend stopping by? Also what do cute anglo girls like?
here we are
all the lads
the day of the rope beckons
Luton, Bradford and Wolverhampton are lovely
>I'm still holding out hope
It isn't happening lad, if there is one thing I am sure of in the entire world it is that there will not be any music festivals in July here
proper scared lads.
what if esotericist occult shit is true ffs
bradford and luton are sublime in the summer
Is there a drug that just makes you feel nothing
not happy or sad, just numb
So who did it
there's too many contradictions to be be true
btw shakespeare never existed
Come up to Newcastle, would love to batter you.
I’m glad you could make it, Mr. Bond
benzos. Dangerous game though
what you mean? like elite occultists or just generally
behold the tetramorph
mathew the angel
mark the lion
luke the bull
john the eagle
what a change a year can make
birmingham is lovely in late summer and autumn
Crawley, West Sussex
wotever happened to old manc twat then
Seek solace in the Lord
She's just not that attractive, mate. I'm not saying she's ugly.
benzos, but don't do them if you have an addictive personality, they'll proper fuck you up
bristol if you want to party or meet art slags
I’m not racist, some of my best friends are niggers
Here's Brucey
Yeah you’re probably right, shame though it’s the one time of the year other than Christmas I get to see all my mates. Also the only time I get absolutely spangled.
Medway, Kent is lovely
depends, what do you want to see?
always forget i smoke and eat a load of shit when i crave a smoke then remember have a smoke and feel fat as fuck
A wise man once said the following....
When a man is tired of Luton, he is tired of life
wonder if any /brit/posters have died of corona
it'd be impossible to know because lockdown has increased traffic to this website anyway
All you good good people listen to me. You're just about done with the way that you feel
At least you’ll still get Christmas in all likelihood.
started saying scratagwarn
like being able to levitate because you meditated enough
or conjuring up strangers faces in mirrors and shit ffs
What specifically are you rererring to.
Heard if they do create a vaccine for this it'll be the world's first successful coronavirus vaccine
What are tangible effects of the MKULTRA program can we see in the current world?
there's still no vaccine for SARS, which is closely related to covid-19
scratagwarn lads
was waiting for this reply
been trolling that im half asian and niggas believing it lol
should I drink another beer? not sure.
I just want the pubs to reopen
You know how in the US there's a reputation for the British accent being very attractive in men?
Imagine that, but like the exact opposite.
scratagwarnin' la
half thai half arab
i like to hold my phone and stare at the screen for hours on end, does that count
>good people
Not me then
Only just occurred to me what a joy /brit/ is. Sad lonely fucks in the past had no one to talk to, but here we have a genuine place in which to vent to likeminded indiduals. I love you, /brit/. Imagine being a lonely cunt in the 1910s. Literally just dying alone in your armchair.
Bit embarrassing that lad. Smell the low T from here
Literally because there was no financial gain for any pharmaceutical company to produce a vaccine for any coronavirus till now.
Go on then, hit me. I said fucking hit me.
anyone got that pic of sam hyde with 'the weak must fear the strong'
They’re going to just give up and let the virus burn through the population soon enough. It’s clear that they can neither sustain this until a vaccine is ready nor have any guarantee a vaccine will work.
can’t keep everything locked down forever, if this truly wont go away and we can’t create a vaccine we will just have to give up and let it do it’s thing
desu most of that stuff is far more questionable and schizo but it might be true. a lot of stuff isn't though so have a look :)
american niggas really be like this
it's impossible to be lonely when you recognise jesus in your heart
Reading Das Kapital and Marx says man has always been a consumer
Was Marx the fist oomer poster
discord . gg/vn25HAZ
I give it until mid may max.
i'll never get the fucking virus
Had this thought before myself. On the other hand, sad lonely cunts in the old days were probably forced to go out and socialise in the end whereas /brit/ just acts like the few crumbs of socialisation required to keep a man sane while not allowing him develop any actual skills.
Makes you wonder what lonely people did in the past
yeah im thinking thats based
It was all going so well until
So, if you were in The Matrix, you would have taken the blue pill instead of the red pill, and never would have seen the world for what it really was, and the movie would have only been 20 minutes long.
I want you to think about that.
You're not going to think about that.
You don't even understand what I'm saying.
i want to kiss andy samberg
I’ve got a mole on my lip which makes it impossible to clean shave over without cutting it. I can’t STAND it. Stubbly mole lip.
I feel like I meant something you always say you need more time
Timothy needs to be making a comeback
hahahaa ye lol
the mad bit is youve been pretending to be female for over 5 years continuously lad that takes bigtime mental disorder to keep up a meme for that long
whats your sign
*breaks open both capsules*
*racks them into a line*
*starts rolling up a £20 note*
pub, they would be the kind to just sit in the pub EVERY evening
Whoa, on the google earth, England looks that good?
Drunk and high high YET again
haha, yeah.
When you see it
why the fuck are you shaving your lips nigga?
Me except I'm sociable and socialise
dildo ritual
:) silly anglo, am not gay
if you did want something to look at
gotta admit it tricked me.
Shant be buying that communist junk any longer.
I mean above my lip lol
zero slagposts itt
much prefer it desu
sometimes I wish I didn't dislike weed
would be nice to relax with a zoot as they say haha
Then again, it does smell bad, and is cringe af haha x
RAF larp
the mad thing is Bradford doesn’t even look that bad if you are just going off buildings alone, it just has a very enriching population
You can put money on that honestly. People will start to get agitated plus Scotland is already set to reveal its exit strategy in less than a week.
We’re basically either past or about to past the worst of it already, so we might as well just cautiously resume normality.
I think you do develop skills here, though. Some degree of wit at least. I am absolutely not being ironic, either. I think we like to pretend that Yas Forums is some special place whose denizens are so totally anti-pc, and the outside world is the opposite. But desu most of the people I know IRL are edgy as fuck, male of female, and they would be right at home with the kind of humour we share here.
social isolation wasn't so much a big issue back in the past
increasing rates of loneliness and the advent of forums and online communities such as this have made it worse
> old Dutch
> founded United States
>ruining what god gave her
Oh so, Anglo women don't like amerimutt men.
You'll never believe where Outback Steakhouse comes from
Scorpio. The coolest one based off the name alone, but fuck am I gonna read some horoscopes.
Anyone remember Sara, bog queen
End of the line boys the love of my life has left me because I thought I was too cool for school and acted like a cunt and was never there when she needed me most, my job is gone that was giving me structure in my life and im just emotionally spent i've been speaking to a new girl getting on well and feeling fuck all it doesnt excite me or worry me I just want her back and i'm never going to have her back fuck this lockdown im away
had a (very detailed) dream about the imaginary gf again
wish this virgin spammer would fuck off
this isn’t true
American men are seen as rugged and tough so naturally we’re considered sexy
corona messing me about
didn’t ask
kek this is unironically me
unironically you are so fit
>when I self harm
noooooooooo don’t do that noooooooooo
>when someone gets a tattoo
Yh so cool blud haha art ini
ancient gimmick
blog on
really make you think
lol pathetic
you know like to regular smokers its like tobacco
i can have more tonight
Lad stop this nonsense. Getting reading books
She's stunning.
She's alright, even if some of her tattoos are silly.
had a dream about being in china and listening to xi on some big megaphones in a park or something pretty vivid
ryan? ryan is that you, ill be at belfast station in an hour mate calm down