cute kittens
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
with ketchup edition
I like the pope because the pope smokes dope
I hate homosexuals.
nth for Swedish genocide
I too hate homosexuals.
>more like, good evening
Unofficial /cum/ census
Based homohater fren.
are there timezones in canada rn that it's the morning?
Retard, don’t you know how time zones work?
puffy vulva
hating homosexuals is gay af
Duh. Jesus Christ you are an idiot.
There would be no China without the communist party
He's a time traveler. That's the only logical answer.
How is hating homos gay?...
There’s a reason they call it cutting the mustard and it’s because it tastes like farts.
how do we get rid of these gay bashing fags?
Why don’t you tell us, fag.
No way fag.
It's super gay to hate on gays.
Immensely homosexual even.
give sashy a break he has overcome a lot
>cutting the mustard
No one says this.
bruta ciega sordomuda
torpe traste y testaruda
Shut the fuck up you mustard-eating freak
>es todo lo que he sidooo
>por ti me he convertido en
>una cosa que no hace otra cosa mas que amarteee
So, if you were in The Matrix, you would have taken the blue pillin stead of the red pill, and never would have seen the world for what it really was, and the movie would have only been 20 minutes long.
I want you to think about that.
You're not going to think about that.
You don't even understand what I'm saying.
mexicans improved their performance, leafs slacked off, FK joined the fold for germany and some swedes were intrigued by the edition while britian left us completely.
Please speak American, hombre.
They don’t have ketchup in the real world.
Monolinguist master race. 8)
I'd take the blue pill. Like I'm gonna dress up in a leather trenchcoat and knee high boots. That's ridiculous.
ketchup + mayo mixed together is just subway sauce
Pros and cons of quitting weed during a pandemic:
Pro: I have way more energy
Con: I have way more energy and can't go out
Speaking two languages is a waste of brain space.
Gross. Fuck out of here. Condiment miscegenation isn’t welcome here.
i've never seen the matrix movies
eeyyy mexico c:
I like my mayo with mustard.
No ketchup, please ;3