Get in here and post your results lads

get in here and post your results lads

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I guess you will all die sooner than you thought.

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Like Adolf Hitler, you are introverted but nevertheless possess a charisma that is second to none because you are strongly attuned to people. When you put your mind to it, you can charm anyone. You have a dramatic flair and you like testing other people's boundaries to see what will happen. Be careful that you do not end up playing with fire and getting yourself into a dangerous situation which you cannot charm your way out of.


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>Like Vladimir Lenin, you are confident in your intellectual ability and supremely driven to improve the world according to your vision - even if it means you have to steamroll those who fail to understand how your way is better. You probably think that it takes a special and unique kind of person to understand the full merit of your abilities and therefore see little reason to listen to others anyway. Our advice to you is to not be so dismissive of other people's input - but we don't expect that you are willing to take it.

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Well, well

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Got Putin as well


VHAT DA FUCK. Out of all the villains I get some incompetent fatty fascist.

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Pretty based

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Rip the true leader of Iraq

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almost identical too. leave the jews alone Juan

I always knew Yas Forums was full of like mined people.

Albert Speer.

I got donald trump

>super high iq and a war hero
could be worse desu

Not sure if this is good or bad

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I also got Hitler. The bullet points below the graph are quite accurate to me. Neat stuff

mashallah brothers

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If he had a High IQ, why didn't he build an exit plan for himself after 1943 when the war was decidedly lost? Checkmate atheists.

>the virgin deserter vs trolling the judges and dabbing on your captors with your suicide like a true chad

comrades !

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>one third nazis
>one third lefties
>one third islamists
I wonder which country could be behind this [test]

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wasn't he a tranny?