>American beer
>American cheese
>American bread
>American wine
>American chocolate
American beer
enjoy our music movies tv and IMAGEBOARDS you utter cuck lmao
Their wine can be OK but the rest is utter rubbish,fit for only low quality people such as themselves and the Chinese
>American posts
american bread is so fucking dire
did you know they lace it with sugar?
I am addicted to mcdonald’s and the first thing I will do when the lockdown is over will be spending a hundred on my favorite burgers
it tastes great.
This is a Japanese imageboard.
We have good liquor, fag. That's one of our main exports
it tastes of shit, don't @me
>English women
Agreed about the chocolate. I don't know what they do with it but it is all chalky and has no taste
Californian Wine is genuinly good and the bread made by the german-americans isn't that bad either.
But please go ahead and tell me about:
>British beer
>British cheese
>British bread
>British wine
>British chocolate
American cock
>American chocolate
How is that different?
>American wine
Nothing wrong with their wines.
it has literal vomit in it, no i'm not making this up.
me at the back (the black guy)
>american bread is so fucking dire
The sad excuse for bread you get in the UK is the worst in Europe though, to be fair. What makes it worse is the existence of ludicrously overpriced hipster renditions that still manage to be shit compared to bog standard breads found elsewhere on the continent.
I like cheddar
>>American beer
>>American cheese
Food for what it's intended for not much else.
>>American bread
Not really a thing
>>American wine
Superior, even the french vines are descended from superior american stock.
>>American chocolate
Hershey's is crap but the rest is fine.
Japanese now
Post lord of the rings all relevant English language literature is American.
How do you know what shit tastes like you eat it?
Whats wrong with american wine?
Haven't really tried it desu. I prefer Mozzarella, Gouda, Tilsiter and maybe Limburger over everything else
You've never tried cheddar cheese? Wtf
you'll probably like cheddar then
Californian wines are great. They regularly beat their French and Italian counterparts in international taste tests. They also have a lot of great microbreweries, so I don't think the outdated stereotypes regarding American beer apply anymore. I agree with the rest though. American """""bread""""", """""cheese""""" and """"""chocolate""""" isn't fit for human consumption. Pure filth.
t. lived in the US for 18 months
How tf have you never had Cheddar?
Is it better than chicken?
homemade bread is better anyways
How have you not had cheddar?