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You ok sweden?

Sweden yes!

>immigrants dying
Tell me why this is a bad thing

>corona thread
i sleep


Peru first world
Sweden third world

brhamin bastard

>old swede dying to cure young muslim

Congrats you have one thing to brag about


it's called being a decent fucking human being

Time will prove Sweden right.

PerĂº is doing it's best!

So Finland is going to be the ruler of Scandinavia.
Good bye, sven.

>half of Peruvians have recovered
What are you doing Sweden?

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How come picture has a thing inside Peru flag but 4channel don't have thing inside Peru's flag?

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Fk off dalit with no morals and values

stop fluffing your white masters.

hiro hates us

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Thank you my brother, Hail Oden

"Number of cases" is a meme metric as it depends entirely on how many tests are done. "Number of deaths from coronavirus" is also a meme metric as it depends on subjective and highly variable criteria. The ONLY relevant metric is increase in total mortality rate relative to the same period in previous years.

Are you telling me 1 in 12 Swedes that gets the virus dies?

Peru>Sweden now that's not something you see everyday.
Bet swedistians already cope in replies

Oh shit now I am scared

its not that, Peru enforced total lockdown and quarantine ever since corona started, even then our metrics are high compared to Chile because lots of people are not respecting the quarantine

Sweden meanwhile has not enacted any kind of policy, and people are carrying their days as normal for the most part, so they are getting fucked in the ass while t hey develop "herd inmmunity"

Based and informativepilled. It's still hard to draw conclusions though. Sweden has had a much shorter flu season (due to social distancing) than normal this year so that will affect the mortality rate in a way that is hard to measure

>death is a meme metric
you are one of those retards who accuse ppl of over and underreporting covid deaths at the same time
end your life

do you believe this?

Attached: corona.png (859x628, 30.45K)

>people dying are a bad thing

Attached: Pentti_Linkola_2.jpg (2278x2782, 3.72M)

>peru only 127k tests
>mexico only 40k

I wish more poos die but you guys are probably as hard to kill as roaches considering the conditions you people already live

this. who cares.

I've been wondering this too

I wish Peru embraced their Inca heritage more

Hola hojita