i am so sad
I am so sad
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im trying to feed the street dogs and cats near me who cant get food due to lockdown but im afraid its not enough
i am glad u do something i want to do but am too scared and lazy to do, good job brother
That's great mate, keep it up
Wtf there are street dogs in Croatia? I thought you were first world bro
>Wtf there are street dogs in Croatia?
Yes there are Croatians in Croatia. Shocker.
I've never seen a stray animal in my life. In civilized countries, pets get spayed/neutered. Only lazy, useless nigger countries have stray animals.
i don't know the last time i saw a stray dog or cat, no, we don't have them
i just want to get a dog but i am too scared to get one
>im trying to feed the street dogs and cats near me who cant get food due to lockdown but im afraid its not enough
>>im trying to feed the street dogs and cats near me who cant get food due to lockdown but im afraid its not enough
based and Sharkypilled
there are grenade attacks in Sweden, also isis members.
Stray dogs in Croatia don't seem so bad.
Shit, you're trying, thats better than most
I assume your problem is that you're undisciplined, idle and philosophically unresolved, hence have difficulties taking immediate action on any facet of your life. I used to be the same, nowadays I'm the polar opposite as I have to maintain a rigorous scrutinized lifestyle since I suffer brain damage. Be thankful for what you have and work with it, so much I can tell you.
>I've never seen a stray animal in my life. In civilized countries, pets get spayed/neutered. Only lazy, useless nigger countries have stray animals.
>>I've never seen a stray animal in my life. In civilized countries, pets get spayed/neutered. Only lazy, useless nigger countries have stray animals.
i don't know, everything i do makes me sad, even when i try to change i always fall to the beginning and like nothing has changed
ranging from insecurities, past trauma and all sorts of stuff, i honestly don't see myself living a life that would make me feel happy or even without pain
i know this sounds really privileged but i don't know anything else
sorry to hear that man, how come u have brain damage?
>>>I've never seen a stray animal in my life. In civilized countries, pets get spayed/neutered. Only lazy, useless nigger countries have stray animals.
The first time I saw that webm, I thought he would kill the chick.
At any rate,
Try some morning exercises. I do squats, push-ups and plank until my muscles are properly sore. It helps wake me up. Also, read something good. What are you doing daily? What is your routine?
I'll be honest, I don't remember the last time I saw a stray dog. There are plenty of neighborhood cats that wander around, however.
thoughts on Serbs?
Be a bit more specific, please.
>What are you doing daily? What is your routine?
go to sleep at 4 listening to music, wake up at 1, eat lunch, do some work around the house, read something and then play games until 3-4 and then sleep
It doesn't sound too bad, although it might be preferable to shift sleep to 23:00-07:00. I am much more productive if I rise early.
What do you read? What do you listen to? What are your specific issues?
i read random shit online often, but now i am trying to read dostojevski but i can't do it for some reason, i keep going off and on every day i got lost, i can't keep my concentration and focus on the text
>What do you listen to?
loads of stuff, from croatian to russian and from russian to peruvian
>What are your specific issues?
i don't have any motivation, i don't feel any attraction to women even though i love the idea of being with one
i feel sad quite often and i am stuck in a loop where all my mind does is find insecurities and bad qualities i cannot fix but want to
Do you hate them?
Would you mind them living in Croatia?
Would you visit Serbia?
Sorry for the hardships you've faced. Hope you find a way to ease the burden. Have you heard of stoicism?
>i keep going off and on every day i got lost, i can't keep my concentration and focus on the text
This happens to me if I use the computer too much. My thoughts just start racing too fast and I cannot concentrate on anything intensive.
Try not using any electronics for a day (except for essential purposes). That could help you return to a healthier rythm. I do it if I get caught up in a game for a few days. I honestly think that the overuse and misuse of computers and the internet had become a horrible disaster for our life.
Which of Dostojevski's books are you reading?
He was a famous opera singer, wasn't he? His last name is familiar to me.
>i don't have any motivation, i don't feel any attraction to women even though i love the idea of being with one
>i feel sad quite often and i am stuck in a loop where all my mind does is find insecurities and bad qualities i cannot fix but want to
Do you know what bothers you specifically? We can talk.
Low motivation can only be overcome by doing in spite of it. Physical activity is good for it, because it does not require concentration, which presupposes motivation.
I do not hate them.
I do not mind them living in Croatia.
I would not visit Serbia. I do not like travel at all.
i've heard of it but never read about it
>I do not like travel at all.
I'm sorry, what happened?
>Try not using any electronics for a day (except for essential purposes). That could help you return to a healthier rythm. I do it if I get caught up in a game for a few days. I honestly think that the overuse and misuse of computers and the internet had become a horrible disaster for our life.
i agree
>Which of Dostojevski's books are you reading?
the karamazov brothers
>He was a famous opera singer, wasn't he? His last name is familiar to me.
yes, one of my favorites, also is it you Luka?
>Do you know what bothers you specifically? We can talk.
it ranges from death of my family members, most recently my dog bruno and the fact i can't look at myself in the mirror without turning the lights off
>Low motivation can only be overcome by doing in spite of it. Physical activity is good for it, because it does not require concentration, which presupposes motivation.
yeah i know, but i feel no need to be phsyically active, or please anybody really
i feel like i am my own biggest critic, the only person i will never satisfy despite doing nothing about it because i will always be below my future self
also, thank you for the kind words