Anti american Yas Forums sentiment

but, but, how can you hate the united states if you have never been here?

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when you bomb half of the world it's kinda natural. consider that half of EU flags are muslims

Don't worry about what other people think

but how can you hate europe if you have never even been there?

I have actually. The big cities are awful but I like your suburbs and steak

I have been there, in Florida to be precise
you're even fatter in person than what people say

>tfw /trv/fag
>tfw visited dozens of different countries
>tfw find the amount of racism and xenophobia here appalling

>tfw been coming to Yas Forums for more than a decade and just can't break the habit


how can you hate when youve never loved

I've been there many times. America is vile.

NYC was OK but florida was legit third world. there was also so much >do they really shit like when i saw a police car that had totalled into the side of a dunkin donuts

Redditors just believe everything they see on the internet, and let memes think for them.

Every country gets its fair share of hate on Yas Forums so don't worry.

I personnaly love the US but my gf hates your country with passion.

Florida man here
Must've been in cebtral florida. Come to north cuba for good fishing, good beaches, hot latinxs and drugs

Kek. Is she a paki?

We don't have so many pakis in France (still a few though).
And she's a redhead from French Flanders.
And there are some things to hate in the US so she's not absolutey wrong.
For instance, my grandma despise the US because they've got no history.

>no history
??? Of all the real bad things, she made something up.

Your country is only 300 years old, baby boy.
That's part of the reason you shit up everything each time you go abroad.

Only 300. Kek, what a goose.

Most people hate the US about its foreign policy. Nobody cares about Mary Joe and Billy Bob listening to the latest Migos track at county fair.

>For instance, my grandma despise the US because they've got no history.
Except that time we laid down thousands of lives to liberate your country from zee Germans. Did your granny forget about that?

You're so short-sighted. There has been conflicts with the Germans since 2000 years.
You served your interest twice by helping defeating Germany in 1945 and 1918 and you think that's the only thing that ever happened in history.

And don't act as it was a generous act. You also needed to get rid of nazis.

I'm sure your countrymen would've reacted very well if you told them back in 1944 that it wasn't actually a big deal that they were occupied by Germany because you've fought the Germans before.
>You also needed to get rid of nazis.
Not really, they hadn't done anything to us besides declaring war and being allies with the people we really hated, the Japs.

>Your country is only 300 years old, baby boy.
She must really hate Canada then, considering they're only 150 years old.

I thought this was a thread about colonial USA. I wanted to talk to someone about Confederate gold...

There really is still millions of dollars in Confederate gold still unaccounted for

Some of my countrymen fought for the nazis, some opposed it. You shouldn't hold such a monolithic view on how people were considering occupation.
In the end, we're all glad the Americans came but that's just because you won.

>Not really, they hadn't done anything to us besides declaring war and being allies with the people we really hated, the Japs.
The nazis were allied with the Japanese (and sniff sniff Pearl Harbour). Your propaganda started before you entered in the war because of all the economic issues that were at stake. Never would a country such as the US go to war for anything that the preservation of its self interest (and that's a sensible thing).
But see how you did not push for Eastern Europe. Why? Because you had no interest in pushing further.

I think she considers them as Americans. But hate was a big word, it's more disdain than hate.

hmmmmmmmmm yes death to america

Is it true that some of it was thrown in places like Alabaman swamps and shit? A president should make finding it their pet project just for shits and giggles.

Yeah, some caches were set up for recovery when the South rose again, but others were thrown away into bayous and swamps basically for no other reason than to deny them to the Union.

>You shouldn't hold such a monolithic view on how people were considering occupation.
As soon as the war started to turn against the Germans and living conditions became bad in occupied France like 90% of the population came to oppose the Germans and the Vichy government. There's a reason the Resistance quadrupled in size in only a few years.

Its not like they've been raised to do a lot of critical thinking or independent thought, user.