Punishing China is literally this easy
Punishing China is literally this easy
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yes, please punish china
>americans unironically think they hold more power over china than vice versa
errr doesn't that mean he should collect it from taiwan?
Those bonds are worthless because China doesn't recognise them
Based reactionary retard
China PRC didn't exists until 1949.
Whom are they going to ask? Taiwan?
El Retardo
>ey let me ignore then 6x more debt we owe china
Reminder that china controls the world's supply of critical care drugs because most of them are produced or harvested there.
If you were to do this then hundreds of thousands of Americans would die due to drug shortages.
10:15 -12:00
>tfw used to think he is one of the smart americans before these whole trump shenanigans
who else remember their ron paul phase Yas Forums?
>MFW China has the whole world's balls in its hand.
Are Americans IRL really this retarded? I still want to believe that the image they have on the internet is not representative.
What a fucking based retard
I am Black
BASED, it's time China pay for its decades of bullshit.
It's not just Americans, it's anyone with the faintest knowledge of who currently controls international finance and has complete dominance of the Earth's seas.
>jew stamps having any value in a war
>implaying china dont own trillions of usa debt as well
Clueless dumbfuck
>punishing china
>current western countries
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA not only can you not do that financially, but west cunts can't do this without their own citizens as well as their NU-citizens fighting back.
>didn't even comprehend the text in OP's image
good job lads
thats taiwan's debt
he has a point
why would china pay?
>uh oh, we can't honor your denbt notes, sovereign immunity
then what? better off just releasing the notes to the public on the open market and letting investors individually persue maturity collection. honestly. sounds fake as shit. what tard would hold a bunch of mature bonds and not exercise them?
Why don't they just nuke China?
Really makes you think
becuse they must be terrified of american sanctions for sure
shit, I didn't even read the 1920's part. lmao
Who’s the clueless dumbfuck if he realizes that the current government of China is a completely separate one from the Chinese government of the 1920s and you don’t
100% sanctions don't work on large economies.
Hi Black
And they'd lose their biggest customers. Works both ways