I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

Attached: Nicolae_Ceausescu.png (412x528, 96.31K)


Wonder what went through his head when his own people were dragging him and his wife out with AKs around, fully knowing that he is gonna die and it was not gonna last forever and it ends now.

In his eternal wizdom he knew this moment would come he also knew and named those who orchestrated it. The internatiobal hungarian lobby

I heard he went insane after visiting the Kim family in North Korea. He decided he wanted the kind of cultural personality and control they had over there

Attached: 1586802640290.jpg (640x640, 59.64K)

Cast him

didn't read

wtf i LOVE hungarians now

stop using condoms

Attached: Nicolae-Ceauşescu[1].png (500x331, 291.81K)

People have always executed their own leaders and then regret it
Just history will tell


Didn't they just end up shooting him and his wife against a wall outside their palace?

they shot him so quickly after they finished the 'trial' the cameraman didnt have time to film it

Nah, they escaped from the aroused crowd with a helicopter and were flown to Targoviste where they had a mock trial and then shot. The bullet holes are still in the wall of the building where they executed them.

I lost all respect for him after i found out he purpously exterminated orphans.

Why did the military suddenly turn on him? What became of the secret police?

Yeah we would have been the north korea of europe if he was still alive

It is rumoured (with quite interesting evidence) that the secret police actually orchestrated the entire thing. The state was going to shit and that's probably why they did it. Ceausescu was a retarded leader and he deserved the lead in his brains.

a boolet

Attached: 2849758-romania-history-ceausescu-justice-dna.jpg (1240x915, 211.16K)

>pays out the country's entire debt in record time without foreign aid
>gets arab springed the next week
Realy makes you think


I think that when the state feels threatened, it eliminates the people who threaten its existence, which is why, on several occasions, the armed forces of several countries turn against their own citizens, even the head of the armed forces.

theres no conspiracy theory or something like that
people got sick of his bullshit

Alright shahar, I'll bite.

>no money left from paying all the debt so the entire population is forced to eat leftovers and cringe canned shit
>imprisons people for making jokes
>cult of personality
>general hopeless retard
Paying the debt pales in comparison to all the bad shit he did.

Sorry what? Cluj? Where's that? Oh you mean NAPOCA?

People are retards and dont have a mass conciousnees and awerness like that.
They never organise and orchestrate revolutions. Want to know who did it? Look who profited off of it

This man must have been a saint and a genius if he managed to hold a country full of romanians in check for as long as he did
>he le killed le people
Go outside and tell me with a straight face that 70% of people shoyldnt be genocided.
>we ate bad
Enjoy mcdicknalds fagget, hope you are happy

Listen to this man, he his very wise

Calm down. This is why hitler killed 6 gorillion of you.

waste of good dick sucking lips

also north korea is very similar in every way with socialist romania if not the same, well minus the haircut part
so you tell me that life is great there? probably for high ranking officials but the average citizen is probably starving
