What the fuck is happening in Portugal?!
What the fuck is happening in Portugal?!
I wish our planned extermination succeeded
Got im
I should buy a cute house in Porto
>being an expatuguese
spreading the seeds to the world
they were always like that
Only 4% of Turks are abroad?
They're all Angolans
Jesus Christ. How is this level of emigration sustainable for any country, let alone one with a relatively small population to begin with? Also, it's most likely the young, educated Portuguese that are moving away, leaving the nation in ruins to a bunch of illiterate boomers.
Ko ti jebe mater
>Literally the lowest number
Just another proof that everyone loves Spain and no one leaves.
>Bosnia 43%
Where do they even go? They aren't in the EU and can't migrate as easily as, say, Croatians, so where do they go? Where do the Bosnians go? Where?
can you blame them? If you can choose between staying in your home village for no job or go abroad to make 5x what you could have made if you could find a job home? desperation and poverty dude not everyone is lucky like you and me to be born in Birmingham UK or Vejle DK
Ask the Serbs where they went.
>Just another proof that everyone loves Spain and no one leaves.
It is a fantastic country what I love very very much, especially for the people but I think the real reason is that only a tiny minority of Spaniards speak a foreign language which will be a migration obstacle for many.
Nah the boomers are here en masse too. Cleaning ladies, gardeners etc etc
Yeah I was memeing but what you said is true.
spain is so shit that half your male population boarded ships headed to a dangerous unmapped territory through a treacherous ocean just to escape it
Brothers, please. Both your countries are fantastic and I love you
I'm not blaming them. I'd probably do the exact same thing if I were in their situation. I'm just saying that in the long-term, this sustained brain drain will bite them in the arse. Hard. Couple that with the fact that the Portuguese have some of the lowest birth rates of any European nation, and it doesn't exactly paint a very optimistic picture for the country.
Croats go to Germany and Bosnians (Croats) go to Croatia.
Nope its not. Thats why the EU is spending billions in development of infrastructures ect so that countries like Portugal, Poland, Romania arent shitholes it works sometimes (Poland) but it doesnt always work (Romania)
those are all from the 70s and their respective family, poor and uneducated
It's the same in France and and Luxembourg.
The immigration since 2005 has changed drastically and its mostly ppl under 30 with high education.
What's the point of staying here if the government only cares about tourism? Why should they make 5x less money?
Ah I see, thanks
I bet all the blues in the east are in Russia, you all need to go back if you hate Russia so much.
I was correct
>31,377 Lithuanians in Russia. 15,596 Lithuanians in Sweden. 1,000 Lithuanians in Finland
>521,443 Belarusians in Russia
>1,927,888 Ukrainians in Russia
You guys always complaining about Russia on Yas Forums get your ass out. Hey Russians, are they like our Mexicans? hate us but won't leave?
They all fucking came here, can't meet 20 people without at least one of them being portuguese
There's only so much the EU can do, unfortunately. Infrastructure projects are great, but without an educated, politically active populace, with high levels of trust in their political and societal institutions, it doesn't really mean much in the long-term. It's not the 19th century anymore. Other than Germany, we (the West) no longer make things. There are nations in Europe that understand this and have adapted accordingly over the decades, and there are others that were far too slow off the mark. A nation like Portugal, that relies on nothing but tourism and agriculture to survive, will always be at the mercy of our modern, globalised world.