There are fats posting on Yas Forums.
There are fats posting on Yas Forums
mostly trans
Hey fagget you want to talk shit aboyt my best ally you get throygh me first
mostly amr****s
I'm a 135 kg/297 pounds healthy young man
I don’t like fat people and it pisses me off that so many fat women swipe right on me on dating apps.
amerifats is the most clever thing you guys can come up with. sad!
what is "fat"?
I'm 1,81m and weigh 80kg. I am often seen as regular/skinny dude, but I'm not.
My belly is just a blob and I got man tits.
i want to know this too
i am 103kg/191cm, am i fat?
Murica tier
gros patapouf
>weight in 3 digits mark
I think you wouldnt be fat if you were jacked or something like that
i mean i get it, im a big guy, but i lift weights too
so its alright
you must have big muscles lifting that huge belly of yours all day haha
i have tree trunk arms to snap your twink ass in half over my knee
n no I'm only 170cm 55kg I'll do anything forgive me
tfw 210lbs/95kg/15 stone
Me a year ago but now I am 87kg
Lol that's even worse
I am a fatass and idc.
I admit I developed a negative opinion on fat people... I think it's a shame to see a genuinely fat person that is happy with being fat. I don't hate them and I don't think of them as inferior right from the go when I see them, but when I see a really fat person that doesn't want to change and insteads seeks problems at others, I become irritated.
Hey stop that! Americans have feelings too you know.
trade me places fatties
Age, height and weight please
23 yrs, 188cm, approx 72kg
Do you eat or are you always on a diet?
I know someone who is the same height and weighs 68kg. He has better definition though and is a surprisingly talented athlete altogether.
Did you ever do a sport?
I eat, but I get full easily. I've always been skinny
nah I'm lazy, don't workout at all either so that would explain the lack of definition. I have a job that requires some amount of manual labor so I guess that helps keep me active
A few kg's more wouldn't really hurt but it isn't bad, Being skinny is better than being fat in my experience. I'd rather be skinny but after a few days I think to myslef what's the point of all this?
Sounds okay already. As long as you're happy with it. Not like you need urgent help.
When I was 15, I was ~185cm tall and weighed 51kg. Ate like a horse, I'm almost sure they had a poster of me at every restaurant in the region because I was infamous for eating up to four meals. Had respiratory problems and a doctor told me I was anorexic and bulimic, my mother rolled on the floor laughing.
>they had a poster of me at every restaurant in the region because I was infamous for eating up to four meals.
made me lol
>respiratory problems
*circulatory problems, my brain stopped working for a second there
It was a fun time, we have a few photos of me and some chefs that came out to see me eating multiple dishes in our vacation photo books.
>mfw all those small fats itt