>1 in 20 swedes speak finnish
1 in 20 swedes speak finnish
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how many speak swede speak only arabic?
pretty interesting since there is 700k finns there
How much Finns speak swedish?
and theyre being oppressed
Hei, nimeni on gay-petter, ja haluan hukata tarjouksesi
the swedes are a very multicultural people
all the drinks in stockholm speak perfect finnish
1 in 20
Cool to see that finns and swedes are bros
1 in 10 swede probably speak some arabic
is thät odens?
Looks like it. Should remake the picture with quality Swedish snus instead
that was supposed to say "drunks"
I fucked up the joke this is so embarrassing
I wonder if the reason why we don't bother smuggling Lundgren's to Finland is that Finns don't like high quality brands of snus. Finns want the roughest dirtiest low quality snus. Siberia or Odens. Do real snus connoisseurs looking for Göteborgs rapé or Lundgrens exist in Finland?
It does exist but as far as I've heard they pay 7€ for a tin of Göteborgs Rapé
How much does a Finnish zoomer pay for a tin of Odens?
haha, gayy
Not sure, it's more expensive than here though
Last I checked pretty much everything from Oden's to rapé goes for 5€/tin except for some of the more unusual stuff like general onyx. The real difference comes more apparent when buying in bulk. Pre-corona lockdown odens was as low as 20€ per 10 tins while the fancier stuff was 50€ish per 10. Borders closing made prices skyrocket ofc, bought 10 tins of odens cold extreme white dry for 40€ a few weeks back after not using snus for 2 years and it feels good, man.
Fuck those are crazy prices
Yeah, the situation kinda reminds me of probation since pretty much all snus we have has to be "smuggled" from sweden (usually from haaparanta or stockholm). so people mostly bring in oden's because it has much higher profit margins compared to the fancier stuff.
Bit gay of smugglerchads to be making bank from selling shitty snus like Odens and getting away with it
They do get slapped with hefty fines if they get caught because muh tax monies.
lol why do scandos love putting dirty tobacco in their lip
lol retard
>Mä oo ihan känyssä!
no idea honestly. its like nicotine gum. just dirtier
i giggled at your funny without reading the correction because i got it anyway
> Känyssä
Thats literally what i use. Now i have to use this shit called r42 and odens
Sven you have to drink less it is affecting your family
>it is affecting your family
they'll understand, all for the glory of our finnish figure skater heroes