Amerifats are dying from the bat soup virus by the thousands and their shithole country is on the verge of a civil war...

Amerifats are dying from the bat soup virus by the thousands and their shithole country is on the verge of a civil war. Why are they still OBSESSED with a country on the other side of the world?

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desu america won the conflict fair and skware

what conflict

>things are bad in the US
>bomb some place
>people forget bad things
>brown people dying = good thing

Israel duh. USA is extremely weak right now and can't protect Israel from Iran properly.

idk you guys kept flexing muscles at each other until you threw a missile at their lord general or whatever. then their retaliation made drumpf kek and that was it because of the 'rona.

Is it really that bad in the us?
isn't medical one of their largest sector?

I think Iran is in much worse situation than America

>USA is extremely weak right now

Keep telling yourself that, nigger.

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let me just remind you briefly that you make several anti-America threads EVERY DAY.

imagine being british and sucking american cock, you disgust me

Several? He's constantly posting them during American hours.

Might makes right.

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it's not his fault our country is a shithole and the average person chooses to ignore it. i applaud him for his dedication to exposing the shitty state the usa is in, hopefully people will actually do something rather than bury their head in the sand


Serving their jewish masters of course

Most Brexiters are as cucked as the Remainers. They’d just rather watch Uncle Sam fuck their country than the EU. Not getting fucked was never an option.
This, although the mutts in charge want War so they can make money, not just for the sake of it.

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Keep sucking Euro cock traitor

Shut the fuck up you dumb chinky leaf.


>being this brainwashed

The U.S has had such a horrible track record in the recent middle eastern campaigns with so much death and destruction in its wake that anyone who advocates for more should be hanged publicly in the town square in minecraft

nobody here in the US or under any other flag on Yas Forums cares so deeply about America's foreign and domestic policies as do leaf posters. you people bitch about America being the centerpiece of nigh every conversation here, yet it's you jackasses that keep posting about us. shut the fuck up.

how so?

should do it in Mini world, since it's a chinese game

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i dont think iran is doing too well either

>May/June 2020

>Regime Change

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2 matches same post
One match

why is america on the brink of civil war, and how is it seen today?

>advocating destroying gentile countries and muh shekels
> edelman

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at this point they're similar to late-stage USSR.
People literally dying on the streets, collapsing society, but the government still invests all the money in war and troops at the other side of the world. I give it less than a decade to america to either balkanize or become 4th world