being 100% unironical
why is britain so comfy? rainy, lush, not too cold, not too warm
Being 100% unironical
idk to me that is the description of pure, unalduterated hell on earth
what is wrong with you
a moderate temperature, rainy, green island is hell on earth?
Rain is only comfy if you're inside.
nah, its real comfy sitting by a campfire in the rain
their countryside is comfy, the problem is there aren't almost no countryside left
I wanna visit Britain. Humans weren't meant to inhabit Australia.
come home irish man
where do you retards come up with this shit.
6.8% of the UK is urbanised
Countries without big mountain ranges can’t be comfy t bh
user, I...
It is 100% unironically not. Your picture is owned by some rich landlord or the national trust. Majority live in some disgusting overcrowded shithole and you will quickly get sick of grey skies.
That's amount of population which is living in cities not percentage of area covered by them
I live in a place where the summer is hot as Africa and winter is cold as Russia so I would take anything over this
I like rain
as the Pole said
spastic cunt
comfy as fug
Not really.
rain is only c omfty in warmer temps
britain is f*cking cold
Dios mío el ogro pelirrojo
my people :) my culture :)
Britain’s not cold at all, in winter the minimum temperature is like -5C
The climate is lovely, but you can go to the American side of the Pacific Northwest for the same climate except you also have mountains and truly vast forests, and also you actually have the freedom to enjoy your property here.
Sounds comfy enough.
I wish i was in Brit island.
>no dangerous animals
>no volcanoes
>no earthquakes
>no extreme weather of any kind
>not bordered by Fr*nch, D*tch and P*lish
>hell on Earth
lol whatever you say Klaus
Probably because there is no such thing as proper wilderness or countryside in the UK, even in north Scotland. I technically live in the countryside yet there are houses either side of mine and if I drive for 5 minutes in any direction I will hit a town or village. So while we may technically only be 10% urbanised, here are no great uninhabited spaces like in the Americas or even parts of Europe. At 250 people per square km, you are always going to be surrounded by people and cyclists.
around the same area, yeah
yeah but it's full of y*nks
Put your money where your mouths are, lads. Post where you grew up, I'm talking everyone, not just British.
My life is has been absolute heaven for the most part, and I don't live in a rich area. A mix of working class and middle class around here.
now think of how much prettier that is with a blue sky and sunshine.
Our small towns and villages are peak comfy.
Our major towns and cities (with a few exceptions) are grey, depressing, post-industrial shitholes. Ugly brutalist architecture, bland, identikit high streets and commieblocks as far as the eye can see. Seriously, don't ever visit them.
Im from Toronto its the same thing there